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1. An Outline of British Lexicography.

2. Historical Development of American Lexicography.

3. Classification and Types of Dictionaries.

4. Some of the Main Problems in Lexicography.

5. Computational Lexicography. Electronic Dictionaries.



Key words:lexicography, dictionary, encyclopedic dictionaries, linguistic dictionaries, general dictionaries, specialized dictionaries, frequency dictionary, rhyming dictionary, a Thesaurus, etymological dictionaries, pronouncing dictionaries, synonymic dictionaries, explanatory dictionaries, translation dictionaries, monolingual


dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, diachronic dictionaries, synchronic dictionaries, electronic dictionaries, computational lexicography, on-line dictionaries, CD-ROM dictionaries





1. Think of a word which can be inserted between two words without breaking alphabetical order.


a) apple – cucumber, cat – mouse, red – pink, fast – quick, kiss – love, chair – table, jump – run, speak – tell, shirt – trousers, bonnet – hat;

b) cake – charm, fight – frost, go – guy, hot – hunt, mark – memory, plate – push, ray – remark, sit – short, tee – track, walk – white;

c) kick – kiss, still – stop, hear – herb, tenor – terrific, fresh – friend, bless – blow, lily – little, modern – moon, ready – rein, teach – text;

d) card – carpet, plan – plastic, mild – million, pile – pilot, free – fresh, roof – root, spade – spark, thick – third, welfare – Welsh, opponent – oppress.


2. Make a word chain by writing in the links the letters of the 14 words whose Ukrainian equivalents are given to you. Begin at the top and move clockwise around the circle. Each word overlaps with the next word: that is the final two letters of each word are the first two letters of the following word. (The number of letters in each word is shown in parentheses after each clue.)


відповідь (6)

стирати (гумкою) (5)

море (3)

кожний (4)

підборіддя (4)

усередині (6)

мертвий (4)

доданий (5)

виховувати (7)

сльоза (4)

арешт (6)

зупинятися (4)

опера (5)

бігти (3)


3. Look up the words in bold type in the following sentences in your dictionary. How many headwords are there with that spelling? Do they belong to the same part of speech?


Dry your hands on this towel. I saw a break in the fence.



I have twenty tests to mark today.

Mary heard the happy sounds of children at play

The dog was watching my every move.

What is for sweet?

I‟ll place you under arrest. My son has sound teeth. Don‟t touch my things!

He's paid double for the same job.


4. Read the following passage. Look up the words in bold type in your dictionary. How many headwords are there with the same spelling? Do they belong to the same part of speech?


This is your room. The Home Office regulations insisted that we should be on an upper storey with barred windows. We have had to put the bars in specially. They will be charged for in the bill.




From: “ Decline and Fallby D.H. Lawrence.


5. What comes first in your dictionary? Are these words in the same entry or





or cooler

or disprove

or frog-marchor lawmakeror hardly

or sweetness


6. Make up compounds by bringing together stems. Consult a monolingual dictionary.


bus keeper door phone car stop ear drain house name bell drop brain pull brand party floppy store side hold book disk

free walk


7. What words below denote things which can be bought in a shop? Consult a monolingual dictionary.

shoehorn shoemaker dress rehearsal shoe-lace ball-gown shirt-front shoe-tree dress shirt night-gown shoeshine dress-circle shirtwaist


8. Translate the following words into Ukrainian. What words denote things necessary to serve tea or coffee?


tea-caddytea-cosyhigh teacoffee-cuptable-cloth



tea-clippertea-kettlecoffee grindertea-gardencoffee-roomtea-house




9. Cross out the consonants that are not pronounced. Consult your monolingual or pronouncing dictionary.


lamb debt gnat comb
sign hour knit might
bomb hymn hustle palm
receipt thumb sight sandwich

10. Look up the following words in your monolingual or pronouncing dictionary and make pairs of the words beginning with the same sound.


Week, chess, sugar, champagne, pain, wrong, photo, chorus, authentic, wince, rhythm, ketchup, cease, poetry, saddle, choke, orbit, finance, knee, numeral


11. Make rhyming pairs of words. Consult your monolingual or pronouncing dictionary.


part touch lease though cough half mow piece ruff toff laugh fast cast start



How many of the following words have /u:/ in their pronunciation? Consult your monolingual or pronouncing dictionary.

















In each of the lists below there is one word that should not be there. Can you find it?


Model:cat, dog, fish, horse. Answer: fish – because it lives in water and is not a mammal. Look up the definitions of the words in your monolingual dictionary.



1. football, chess, tennis, cricket

2. milk, juice, water, wine

3. ship, train, boat, submarine

4. skating, singing, swimming, rowing

5. fry, bake, chop, roast

6. provide, donate, borrow, supply

7. snap, nudge, pat, stroke

8. wail, weep, titter, whimper

9. bond, cent, dime, nickel

10. mauve, marvellous, magenta, tangerine


14. We can say a carton of milk and a bottle of wine. What words go together with the following nouns? Consult a monolingual or combinatory dictionary.


aof flowers aof sweets

aof grapes

aof chocolates aof bread

aof tights aof jam

aof soap


15. Read the following texts. Look up the words in bold type in a monolingual

dictionary and write the correct definition for each one.


The use of language primarily and predominantly involves making noises with our speech organs and receiving other people‟s speech noises through our ears. It is not a necessary condition of a language existence that it should have a written form or indeed any form other than talk. All natural languages had very long history as solely speech before they were ever written down or became associated with rules of spelling and punctuation. Many languages exist in the world today which have still never been written down. Most of the changes that affect languages in time and space



(the difference between Chaucer‟s English and our own, for instance, or the difference between British and American English) are to be explained in terms of language as spoken and heard. Most of the difficulties we experience in using language in what we have called here its more ‘exotic’ ways (writing an essay, for example) arise from the fact that our chief competence in the use of language lies in talking it.


16. Read the following sentences. Use your general purpose dictionary, synonym dictionary or thesaurus to find a word that could replace the word in bold type. Then find a word that is opposite in meaning.


Model:The fruit shriveled in the hot sun.



1. The foundation of the old hotel was damaged in the earthquake.

2.The discovery of DNA has led to many breakthroughs in finding cures for hereditary diseases.

3.The man who was leading the group through the jungle had been raised there.

4.A former Olympic ice-skater has accepted the position of instructor at the skating-rink.

5.The towering decorated tree in the city square was a marvelous sight to see.

6.The prairie grass vanished in a summer storm of locusts.

7.The two countries decided that a mutual trade agreement was the solution to the problem.

8.The beaming child had a look of total innocence about herself.

9.Consumers are reluctant to change their spending habits.

10. A musty atmosphere permeated the room.


17. The following text has been translated into Ukrainian by a lazy student. There are a number of mistakes in the list of Ukrainian equivalents. Find the mistakes and write the correct words. Consult a bilingual dictionary.


The law is one of the most traditional areas (1) of national life and the legal (2) profession has jealously protected (3) its position (4) against outside attack (5). Its main virtue (6) is its independence from the system of government and as such, a safeguard of civil (7) liberties (8). Its main vice lies in its resistance to reform, and the maintenance of its own privileges (9) which may be contrary to public (10) interest.

1. ареал


3. здійснювати протекцію

4. позиція

5. атака


7. цивільный

8. ліберальність

9. привілея

10. публічний



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