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Scanners are a type of computer hardware used to make digital prints of photos and documents, allowing users to print, copy or fax the material.
A) __________

Scanners make a digital copy of a picture or a document. The digital copies can then be manipulated by the user and printed, copied or sent digitally anywhere in the world. Scanners are most often used by the general public to make copies of photos or important documents.

B) ___________

The width and depth of scanners has generally remained consistent at around 10 by 15 inches, simply because the scanner must accommodate full sheets of paper. The height has significantly decreased, however, and most mid-range scanners are now only around 1.5 to 3 inches tall. Depending on the size and quality standards, a scanner can weigh anywhere from 3 to 20 lbs.

C) ___________

They are identical in every scanner, with the only major difference being the quality of the digital copies they produce. Depending on how much money a person is willing to spend, some scanners can create near flawless photo-quality prints in no time at all. All scanners allow the user to scan in color or black and white. The quality of the scanned image can be adjusted depending on the need for higher quality or quicker completion.

D) ___________

You can print your own photos at home, preserve important documents with efficient, quality copies, scan images and documents in order to email or fax them to anyone in the world in just a matter of minutes.

E) ___________

There are basically two distinct categories: standalone scanners and those that are incorporated into a printer. While standalone scanners include only the scanner, they are often more powerful and thus capable of producing higher-quality scans. Scanners coupled with printers, however, provide more convenience, as they take up less space and often include one-touch scanning and printing, in which the push of a single button scans and image and prints a copy simultaneously. Most major computer hardware companies manufacture scanners of one kind or another; some of the most reliable and highly-rated include Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Epson and Dell.

(based on: http://www.ehow.com)

12. Give an accurate translation of the words and word expressions:

1. a digital copy  
2. width, depth and height  
3. quality standards  
4. to accommodate  
5. to adjust  
6. flawless photo-quality prints  
7. a standalone scanner  
8. to be coupled with printers  
9. to manipulate scans  
10. highly-rated  

13. Answer the questions:

1. What are scanners used for?

2. What can be done with scans after they have been made?

3. Can you describe the general features of a scanner?

4. Can the quality of the scanned image be adjusted?

5. What are two distinct categories of scanners?

6. What are the companies that manufacture scanners?


14. Read and translate the text:

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