Студопедия — UListening. Listen to a competition on a radio program
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UListening. Listen to a competition on a radio program

Listen to a competition on a radio program. With a partner, try to write down heroes and icons [1, p. 94]

& Reading

? Writing and reading

Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun from the box.

who which where whose that

1. This is the school _________ I learned 5 years ago.

2. Here is the telegram________ arrived this morning.

3. The person________ I get on with best in my family is my cousin.

4. I think we should buy the washing machine________ is more economical.

5. I don’t like people _______ are unreliable.

6. Turkestan is a city _______ has a rich history.


Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose from the dropdown menu.

1) I talked to the girl ____________car had broken down in front of the shop.

2) Mr Richards, ___________is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.

3) We often visit our aunt ___________ in Norwich is in East Anglia.

4) This is the girl _________ comes from Spain.

5) That's Peter, the boy _________ has just arrived at the airport.

6) Thank you very much for your e-mail__________ was very interesting.

7) The man, __________father is a professor, forgot his umbrella.

8) The children, ___________ shouted in the street, are not from our school.

9) The car, ___________ driver is a young man, is from Ireland.

10) What did you do with the money ____________ your mother lent you?



"It scares me," said Jack Hills, an astronomer at New Mexico's Los Alamos National Laboratory. "It really does." He and the rest of the world had good reason to be worried. Astronomer Brian Marsden, at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics had just announced that a newly discovered asteroid 1.6 km wide was headed for Earth and might pass as close as 48,000km in the year 2028. "The chance of an actual collision is small," Marsden reported, "but not entirely out of the question."

An actual collision? With an asteroid of that size? It sounded like the stuff of science fiction and grade-B movies. But front-page stories and TV newscasts around the world soon made clear that the possibility of a direct hit and a global catastrophe well within the lifetime of most people on Earth today was all too real.

Then suddenly, the danger was gone. Barely a day later, new data and new calculations showed that the asteroid, dubbed 1997 XF11, presented no threat at all. It would miss Earth by 1 million Km - closer than any previously observed asteroid of that size but a comfortable distance. Still, the incident focused attention once and for all on the largely ignored danger that asteroids and comets pose to life on Earth.

XF11 was discovered last Dec. 6 by astronomer Jim Scotti, a member of the University of Arizona's Spacewatch group, which scans the skies for undiscovered comets and asteroids. Using a 77-year-old telescope equipped with an electronic camera, he had recorded three sets of images. The digitized images, fed into a computer programmed to look for objects moving against the background of fixed stars, revealed an asteroid that Scotti, in an e-mail to Marsden, described as standing out "like a sore thumb."

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 774. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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