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Satpaev city

Satpaev( other spellings are Satpayev,Satbaev) is a city located in Karaganda region of Kazakhstan. The city received its name after Kazakhstan academician Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev (Kazakhstan Academy of Sciences first president).

In 1954 the settlement for miners from “Dzhezkazgan” mine was founded. The main industry of the city is mining.

The past of Satpaev is inseparably linked with the history of a huge industrial region including Zhezgazgan-Karsakpai-Ulytau.

Copper resources in the region were first registered in 1847 by Russian merchant Nikolai Ushakov, but he sold the copper deposits to merchant Ryazanov as he himself didn’t have financial capital. Further Ryazanov sold the deposit to English joint-stock society. In 1914 the foundation of Karsakpaisky concentrating factory was laid.

Soviet power was established in Karsakpai in 1920. In 1954 the construction of miners settlement began 7 km to the north-east of Dzhezkazgan mine. In 1956 the settlement was named Nikolsk and was announced a Komsomol construction site. From 1954 to 1973 the settlement was a part of the town Dzhezkazgan.

On September 13th, 1990, the city of Nikolsk was renamed into Satpaev in honor of K.I. Satpaev who found copper deposit in the region in 1926.

Nowadays Satpaev is a raw base for enterprise “Kazakhmys Corporation” and possesses 7 huge mines, concentrating factory, mining equipment plant and some other structures.

Satpaev is not only an industrial center but a center of cultural and sports events. The city day is marked on September 13th, in honor of K.I.Satpayev’s birthday.

Every day there are organized various cultural events at the Palace named after Sh.Dildebayev, concerts of prominent actors and singers. In 2002 a museum was opened at Shynbolat Palace.

On Miners’ Square where the Palace named after Sh.Dildebayev is located there are fountains, brass band is playing on weekends and concerts take place.

U Listening [1. p. 83]

Listen and circle the correct answer a, b or c.

1) How many bookshops are there in the town?

a) None b) One c) Two

2) Where are the women going to have lunch?

a) Roberto’s b) Trattoria Marco c) Garibaldi’s

3) Who’s going to choose the film?

a) The man b) The woman c) The man and the woman

4) The man has …

a) qualifications but no experience

b) experience but no qualifications

c) experience and qualifications

5) The girl thinks she wants to …

a) do research b) be a doctor c) be a biologist


· You will hear a man and a woman talking about buying a car. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (False).


1) The woman says she prefers the Volvo.

2) The man thinks the Golf is too small.

3) The man damaged their car when she was trying to park.

4) The Volvo is cheaper than the Golf.

5) In the end, the man and the woman can’t decide what to buy.


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