Image editing
44. Read the text. People who use DTP programs often have an image-editing program, such as Adobe Photoshop or CorelDRAW, on their desktop. You can get images from many sources: you can draw or paint your own new images, import clip art and other images from CD-ROMs, and save images or pictures from Web pages. You can also transfer photographs from a digital camera or use images scanned into your computer from a scanner. All image-editing programs have similar tools and commands. You can do much more with your pictures and images than you can with a DTP program. You can erase parts of an image or cut and paste them onto another image, adjust the brightness, paint patterns or lines and add all kinds of special effects. You can save an image in many different file formats. GIF, for example, is used for animation and is a popular choice for Web pictures, but has fewer colours than other formats. JPEG is good for photographs and downloads quickly from the Web, but it can lose image data when you save it. Apple Macintosh designed PICT for the MacOS, but TIFF is a good cross-platform format that you can use with many operating systems. If you can’t use an image in a DTP program because the program doesn’t let you, you can often export it in EPS format from your imaging program, without losing any picture quality.
45. Look at these questions about imaging software. Circle yes or no. 1. Can I copy images from Web pages? yes/no 2. Can I put two images together? yes/no 3. Can I make pictures darker? yes/no 4. Do JPEGs ever lose picture quality? yes/no 5. IS PICT an operating system? yes/no
46. Compute the sentences (1-6) with the words from the box. Sources, clip art, erase, adjust, special effects, cross-platform. 1. Making a picture look softer is just one of many______in Photoshop. 2. It’s usually quicker to use a ______image that to draw it yourself. 3. Scanners are ______ peripherals that you can use with any operating system. 4. You can get images for your website from many different ______. 5. The picture was too bright so I had to ______the brightness. 6. You can remove that ugly building in the picture with the ______tool.