Running a Meeting
If meeting is to be productive, it should have a clear and stated purpose that all the participants know and understand. Meetings called on a routine basis tend to lose their point. It’s better to wait until a situation or problem requires a meeting. If in doubt, don’t waste time having one. You should appoint a chairperson who manages and controls the meeting. If you are sure a meeting is the solution to the problem, circulate a memo several days in advance specifying the time and venue (place), objectives, issues to be discussed, other participants and preparation expected. You must write an agenda, or a list of items to be discussed. Meetings should be held in the morning, if possible, when people are usually more alert, and should last no more than an hour. If more, you have to schedule breaks into the agenda. You don’t need to invite all the important staff members to every meeting, six is the optimum number of participants for a good working meeting. Inviting the whole department increases emotional undercurrents. You should send other senior staff members the minutes, or summary of the important points. You don’t have to include everything that was said at the meeting. However, you need to include actions, decided upon at the meeting. A successful meeting always leads to action. Decisions should take up the bulk of the meeting minutes, including the name of the person delegated to each task, and a deadline for its completion. You have to attach a time limit to each point, otherwise there is a risk that some of the items will not be dealt with at all. Circulate the minutes after the meeting and again just before the next one. Encouragement helps create a relaxed and productive atmosphere. Do not single out any individual for personal criticism. Save critical moments for a private occasion. If you are talking for more than 50 per cent of the time, you’re dominating the meeting. The key to success is keeping control.