Doing business internationally
Tim Collins, Sales Manager, travelled to Riyadh to present his company’s TV sets to Karim Al-Jabri, president of a retail group. The meetingarranged for Monday, was postponed two days later. When Collins finally met Al-Jabri, he was surprised that several other Saudi visitors attended the meeting. He turned down Al-Jabri’s offer of coffee, and when asked about his impressions of Riyadh, said that he had been too busy dealing with paperwork to see the sights. During the meeting, Al-Jabri often interrupted the conversation to take telephone calls. Collins wanted to get down to business, but Al-Jabri seemed to prefer to talk about English football teams. When Collins admired a painting on the office wall, Al-Jabri insisted on giving it to him as a gift. Collins was very embarrassed. Two days later, Collins presented his company’s new products. A large number of staff attended and asked technical questions which Collins couldn’t answer. The following day, Collins asked Al-Jabri if he wanted to place an order for the TV sets. “If God pleases,” was the answer. Collins thought that meant “Yes”. Collins did not secure the contract. When he e-mailed Al-Jabri a month later, he was informed that Mr Al-Jabri was away on business. Notes: did not secure the contract – не підписав (не отримав) контракт