Burdensome and uncertain procedures for recognition of academic diplomas and professional qualifications
EU citizens are entitled to study or train in another Member State and to have access to education under the same conditions as local students. An estimated 4 % of European students receive an Erasmus grant during their studies. Over 2 million students have benefited from the Erasmus program since its launch in 1987. There are about 555 000 university students who study abroad every year. However, students wishing either to study abroad using the diploma obtained in their home country or to return to their home country to work after having studied abroad still face numerous obstacles in getting their diplomas or foreign study periods recognised. Recognition of diplomas can be time-consuming and potentially contentious.
Difficulties in implementing political rights of EU citizens. Voter participation has steadily decreased since the first direct European elections in 1979. When organising European Parliament elections, all Member States must respect common principles: elections shall be free, secret and by direct universal suffrage. Early publication of the results in one Member State59, i.e. several days before the close of the poll in other Member States, violates EU law and prevents citizens from casting their vote free of influence by these electoral results.