Academic Year 2012 – 2013
Autumn Term
1. General Information
| Faculty
| All
| Major (code, title)
| 5B070300 ИС; 5B070400 ВТПО; 5B060200 И; 5B057900 МН; 5B070500 МКМ; 5B071900 РЭТ; 5B050900 Ф; 5B050400 ЭЖ
| Year, term
| 1 year 1 term
| Subject category
| Basic
| Credits
| Room
| Department of Languages
| Instructor
| Utelbayeva N.M., Senior Teacher, Tel. 3308566 ex.2016
| 2. Prerequisites and postrequisites
| Prerequisites:
| Entrance test Pre-Intermediate level
| Post requisites:
| Business English Intermediate
| 3. Course goal and objectives
| Course goals:improve students’ general and professional English language/speech skills, to tailor the English language program to the students’ current and future professional needs.
| Course objectives:
- basic grammar and professional vocabulary;
- listening: comprehension of spoken language in general and professional contexts;
- speaking: discussion of general and professional issues;
- reading: skimming and scanning of texts of general and professional interest, guessing the meaning of new words and phrases from context;
- writing a paragraph;
- information search, life-long learning, leadership, critical thinking, decision-making, problem-solving and team work.
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the course the students will be able to:
- differentiate and use such grammar tenses as: Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous;
- comprehend spoken language in general and professional contexts on such topics as: University life, Family, Arts, Travelling, Soft Skills, A typical PC, Types of computer systems, Input and Output devices, Future Trends;
- speak fluently on the covered issues, express opinion, propose solutions present ideas on the above topics;
- skim and scan texts on the topics under study and guess the meaning of new words and phrases from context;
- understand and apply professional IT vocabulary on the topics studied;
- write descriptive, process, comparison/contrast and opinion paragraphs based on the following topics: “My favorite picture/painting”, “How to develop the soft skills”, “A desktop and laptop PCs”, “Nanotechnologies will change our life completely”;
- compile vocabulary definitions, illustrations and a test on a certain professional topic;
- share responsibilities among project group members, manage the time properly and submit all tasks before the deadline.
| 4. Study time distribution
| Total
| Class work
| Out-of-class
| Practical classes
| TSIS (class)
| 3 credits
75 hours
| 50 min/class
| 50 min/class
| 15 hours
| 45 classes
| 15 classes
| 5. Course description:
IYA 1103- GE/EPP Pre-Intermediate is a combination of General and Professional English courses offered to the 1st year students of IITU. It focuses on such topic of general and professional interest as University life, Family, Art, Soft skills, A typical PC, Types of computer systems, Input and Output devices, etc. It is designed to raise the students' language awareness, improve their speech skills and communication competences in General and Professional English. The language training is communicative, interactive, student-centered, outcome-oriented and heavily reliant on students' self-study work. The latter is organized as TSIS (paragraph writing and project) and SIS (GW, WB TM exercises).
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6. Academic policy
Students are forbidden to:
- come to class without a textbook or a printout of an e-book from A student without a textbook gets “0” mark for class participation;
- submit any tasks after the deadline. Late submissions are downgraded;
- cheat, plagiarized papers shall not be graded;
- be late for classes. Three times' tardy amounts to one absence;
- retake any tests, unless there is a valid reason for missing them;
- use mobile phones in class;
- chew gum in class.
Students should always
- be appropriately dressed (formal/semi- formal styles are acceptable);
- show consideration for and mutual support of teachers and other students;
- let the teacher know of any problems arising in connection with English studies.
Students may
- ask any questions and make any proposals concerning the academic process;
- contest their grades in accordance with IITU rules.
1. New English File Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press, 2005.
2. New English File Pre-Intermediate. Workbook. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press, 2005.
3. New English File Pre-Intermediate. Teacher’s book. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson. Oxford University Press, 2007.
4. Professional English in Use. ICT. For computers and the Internet. Santiago Remasha Esteras, Elena Marco Fabre. Cambridge University Press, 2007.
5. Infotech English for computer users. Fourth edition. Student’s book. Santiago Remacha Esteras Cambridge University Press 2007.
6. Infotech English for computer users. Fourth edition. Teacher’s book. Santiago Remacha Esteras
Cambridge University Press 2008.
4. Jolamanova B., Sholakhova A. Writing Papers in English, IITU, Almaty, 2011
5. Grammarway 2. Dooley, J., Evans, V. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2004.
6. Grammarway 2. Teacher’s book. Dooley, J., Evans, V. Newbury: Express Publishing, 2004
Multimedia sources:
Internet sources:
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