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References & Suggested Readings

1 Ausubel, David A. Introduction to part one. In Anderson & Ausubel Bibliography 303. 1965.

2 Andersen, Roger W. Expanding Schumann's pidginiation hypothesis. Language Learning 29:105-119. 1979.

3 Armstrong, Thomas. Seven Kinds of Smart. New York: Penguin Books. 1993

4 Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom 1994.

5 Brown, H. Douglas. Children's comprehension of relativized English sen­tences. Child Development 1971.

6 Bachman, Lyle F. The TOEFL as a measure of communicative competence. Paper delivered at the Second TOEFL Invitational Conference, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ, October 1984.

7 Bachman, Lyle F. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. New York: Oxford University Press. 1990.

8 Bachman, Lyle F. What does language testing have to offer? TESOL Quarterly 25: 671-704. 1991.

9 Bacon, Susan M. The relationship between gender, comprehension, pro­cessing strategies, and cognitive and affective response in foreign language listening. Modern Language Journal 76:160-178. 1992.

10 Bailey, Kathleen M. Classroom-centered research on language teaching and learning. In Celce-Murcia 1985.

11 Bailey, Kathleen M. Class lecture, Spring 1986. Monterey Institute of International Studies. 1986.

12 Baldwin,Alfred. The development of intuition. In Bruner 1966a. 1966.

13 Banathy, Bela,Trager, Edith C, and Waddle, Carl D. The use of contrastive data in foreign language course development. In Valdman 1966.

14 Bandura, Albert and Walters, Richard H.. Social Learning and Personality Development. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1963

15 Bloom L. Language Development. – Cambridge (Mass.), 1970.

16 John B. (Ed.). Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. 1956.

17 Carroll, John B. Fundamental Considerations in Testing for English Language Proficiency of Foreign Students. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. 1961.

18 Cohen, Andrew D. and Aphek, Edna. Easifying second language learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 3: 221-236. 1981

19 Chomsky Noam Linguistic theory. In Mead. 1966.

20 Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, third edition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994

21 Gagne, Robert M. The Conditions of Learning. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 1965.

22 Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books. 1995.

23 Harley, Birgit and Hart, Doug. Language aptitude and second language proficiency in classroom learners of different starting ages. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 19: 379-400. 1997.

24 Kimble, Gregory A. and Garmezy, Norman. Principles of General Psychology. Second Edition. New York:The Ronald Press 1963.

25 Krashen, Stephen. 1973. Lateralization, language learning, and the critical period: Some new evidence. Language Learning 23: 63-74.

26 Krashen, Stephen. 1976. Formal and informal linguistic environments in language acquisition and language learning. TESOL Quarterly 10:157-168.

27 Macnamara, John. 1975. Comparison between first and second language learning. Working Papers on Bilingualism 7: 71-94.

28 Madsen, Harold S. 1982. Determining the debilitative impact of test anxiety.

29 Language Learning 32: 133-143.

30 Neufeld, Gerald G. 1979. Towards a theory of language learning ability. Language Learning 29: 227-241. Obler, Lorraine K. 1981. Right hemisphere participation in second language acquisition. In Diller 1981

31 Osgood, Charles E. Method and Theory in Experimental Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press. 1953.

32 Osgood, Charles E. Contemporary Approaches to Cognition. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1957.

33 Obler, Lorraine K. Right hemisphere participation in second language acquisition. In Diller 1981

34 Pimsleur, Paul. Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World. 1966.

35 Pinker, Stephen. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. New York: William Morrow, 1994.

36 Piaget, Jean. The Principles of Genetic Epistemology. New York: Basic Books. 1972.

37 Piaget Jean and Inhelder B. The Psychology of the Child. New York: Basic Books. 1969.

38 Patkowski, Mark S. 1990. Age and accent in a second language: A reply to James Emil Flege. Applied Linguistics 11: 73-89. Morris, Beth S.K. and Gerstman, Louis J. 1986. Age contrasts in the learning of language-relevant materials: Some challenges to critical period hypotheses. Language Learning 36: 311-352.

39 Rosansky, Ellen J. 1976. Methods and morphemes in second language acquisi­tion research. Language Learning 26: 409-425. Macnamara, John. 1973.The cognitive strategies of language learning. In Oiler & Richards 1973.

40 Scovel, Thomas. 1988. A Time to Speak: A Psycholinguistic Inquiry into the Critical Period for Human Speech. New York: Newbury House.

41 Scovel, Thomas. 1997. Lenneberg, Eric H. 1967. The Biological Foundations of Language. New York: John Wiley&Sons.

42 Schachter, Jacquelyn. 1988. Second language acquisition and its relationship to Universal Grammar. Applied Linguistics 9: 219-235.

43 Skinner, B.F. Science and Human Behavior. New York: Macmillan. 1953

44 Spivey, N.N. The Constructivist Metaphor: Reading, Writing, and the Making of Meaning. San Diego: Academic Press. 1997.

45 Twaddell, Freeman. On Defining the Phoneme. Language Monograph Number 166. 1935.

46 Twain, Mark. The Innocents Abroad. Volume 1. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1869.

47 Vygotsky, Lev S. Thought and Language. Cambridge: MIT Press. 1962.

48 Vygotsky, Lev S. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher1978. Psychological Processes. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

49 Nyikos, Martha and Hashimoto, Reiko. Constructivist theory applied to collaborative learning in teacher education: In search of ZPD. Modern Language Journal 81: 506-517. 1997.


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