Overall assessment of the knowledge
A teacher analyses competencies: knowledge, self-education on the theme, analyses mistakes that were done by students at the passing of tests. At the end of the lesson corresponding points are put. Test: 1. Regularity of the rhythm on cardiogram is determined by the equality of intercyclic intervals: A) P - Q B) Q –T C) S – T D) P – P E) R – R 2. Time intervals between the prongs of the same name of neighbouring cycles are called: A) intervals; B) segments; C) amplitudes; D) frequencies; E) periods. 3. Time of the excitation propagation in ventricles that is determined by the width of QRS complex is: A) 0.06 – 0.1sec; B) 0.12 – 0.2 sec; C) 0.7 – 0.9 sec; D) 0.18 – 0.34 sec; E) 0.9 – 1.2 sec. 4. Biopotential that is taken from the surface of a body is measured in: A) milliampere; B) millivolt; C) nanometer; D) micrometer; E) Farad. 5. Standard bipolar leads fix … between two points of the body surface: A) potential difference; B) impedance; C) changing of signal frequency; D) membrane resting potential; E) action potential. 6. Are in cardiogram (3 answers): A) prongs; B) segments; C) frequencies; D) membrane potentials; E) intervals. 7. The first standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on: A) right and left hands; B) right hand and left leg; C) left leg and left hand; D) right leg and right hand; E) right and left legs. 8. The second standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on: A) right and left hands; B) right hand and left leg; C) left leg and left hand; D) right leg and right hand; E) right and left legs. 9. The third standard lead corresponds to the placing of electrodes on: A) right and left hands; B) right hand and left leg; C) left leg and left hand; D) right leg and right hand; E) right and left legs. 10. Ventricular complex on cardiogram includes prongs: A) QRS B) PRS C) PQT D) SRQ E) SQR 11. Which of the intervals does have the longest duration (in sec): A. QRS B. RR C. ST D. QT 12. Heart biopotentials directly reflects the processes of excitation and conduction of impulses in: A) myocardium; B) pericardium; C) neurolemma; D) sarcolemma; E) dendrite.
13. The great importance for EEG genesis has: A) interrelation of electrical activity of pyramidal neurons; B) interrelation between cerebral cortex and electrodes; C) interrelation between electrodes; D) totality of current electrical details of separate neurons; E) arithmetic mean of the potential differences. 14. Is used for the modeling of the cerebral cortex electrical activity: A. Franck model; B. Gibbs energy; C. Einstein model; D. Zhadin model; E. Stoletov model. 15. Main indexes of EEG value are (2 answers): A) frequency of these oscillations; B) changing of the potential difference; C) amplitude of these oscillations; D) standard deviation of these oscillations; E) arithmetic mean of the potential differences. 16. Generation of exciting postsynaptic potential in the area of dendrite trunk without the branching leads to the emergence of: A) quadrupole; B) dendrite dipole; C) action potential; D) resting potential; E) somatic dipole. 17. Registering and analysis of heart biopotentials is used in medicine in: А) in diagnostical purposes at cardiovascular diseases; В) in treatment methods at cardiovascular diseases; С) in diagnostical purposes at neurological diseases; D) in diagnostical methods for the determination of heart sizes; Е) in diagnostics of impedance of living tissue. 18. Electrocardiography is based on: А) Einthoven theory that allows to evaluate the heart biopotentials; В) Faraday theory; С) Doppler phenomenon; Д) Peltier phenomenon; Е) Einstein theory. 19. ECG prongs are donoted in sequence: А) P-Q-R-S-T-U В) U-P-R-S-T-Q С) U-Q-P-R-S-T Д) P-Q-S-R-T-U Е) P-Q-R-S-U-T 20. At the pathological changes in heart is observed: А) changing of the height and intervals of the ECG; В) changing of the height of ECG prongs; С) changing of the ECG intervals; Д) form of ECG doesn’t change; Е) absence of R-prong. 21. Method of the registering of brain bioelectrical activity: А) encephalography; В) electrography; С) echoencephalography; D) electromyography; Е) electrocardiography. 22. Method of the registering of muscle bioelectrical activity: А) encephalography; В) electrography; С) echoencephalography; D) electromyography; Е) electrocardiography. 23. Electric voltage that emerges in cells and tissues of biological objects is called: А) electrical field; В) electromagnetic waves; С) biopotentials; Д) biological membranes; Е) electroconductivity. 24. Muscle fibers in a slice have the structure: А) regular hexagonal; В) irregular hexagonal; С) cubic; Д) quadratic; Е) irregular cubic. 25. In which vessels the probability of turbulent flow occurrence is higher? А) in large; В) in small; С) emergence of turbulency doesn’t depend of vessel diameter; Д) in capillaries; Е) in veins.