НУБіП України Ф-7.5-2.1.6-24
«Бланк тестових завдань»
Факультет Педагогічний
Напрям підготовки Філологія (переклад)
Форма навчання денна
Семестр Курс 3
ОКР «Бакалавр»
Кафедра романо-германських мов і перекладу
Дисципліна Лінгвокраїнознавство основної іноземної мови
Викладач (Бабенко О.В.)
Завідувач кафедри (Ніколенко А. Г.)
«» 201 р.
Білет №__
1. In which year the state of Hawaii adopted the 2 official languages?
a) 1778
b) 1984
c) 1978
d) 1838
2. Which Hawaiian island is still uses Hawaiian language in daily communications?
a) Lānaʻi
b) Maui
c) Niihau
d) Hawaii
- When the first written form of Hawaiian language was developed?
a) 1820’s
b) 1970’s
c) 1900’s
d) 1920’s
4. Who developed the first written form of Hawaiian?
a) Captain James Cook
b) King Kamehameha III
c) Queen Kapiolani
d) American Protestant missionaries
5. How many letters does the Hawaiian language consist?
a) 24
b) 26
c) 12 and symbol
d) 33
- How many possible syllables in Hawaiian?
a) 162
b) 12
c) 80
d) 33
7. The second name for Hawaiian Creole English is…
a) Tahitian
b) Pidgin
c) Marquesan
d) Tuamotuan
8. When appeared the first Public Hawaiian-language immersion preschool? (Punana Leo)
a) 1778
b) 1838
c) 1978
d) 1984
9. Hawaiian language belongs to the... language family.
a) Indo-European
b) Indo-Iranian
c) Polynesian
d) Sino-Tibetan
10. Hawaiian language is one of the most endangered languages in the world. Is it …
a) False,
b) True,
c) Hardly ever,
d) It’s impossible.
11. The missionaries wanted to convert all Hawaiians to Christianity. Is it …
a) False,
b) True,
c)Hardly ever,
d) It’s impossible.
12. Which language essentially displaced the Hawaiian?
a) German
b) French
c) Chinese
d) English
13. Which name was given by Captain James Cook to the Hawaiian islands?
a) Hamburger islands
b) Bermuda
c) Madagascar
d) Sandwich Islands
14.Who first made the handwritten transcription of Hawaiian vowels?
a) Captain James Cook
b) Hiram Bingham
c) King Kamehameha III
d) William DeWitt Alexander
15. When the Bible was translated on Hawaiian language?
a) 1984
b) 1778
c) 1838
d) 1978
16. What is the national Hawaiian musical instrument?
a) Ukulele
b) Citar
c) Balalaika
d) Kobza
17. When the Hawaiian culture started to revive?
a) 1960’s
b) 1970’s
c) 1900’s
d) 1820’s
18. When the Hawaiian language was banned?
a) 1898
b) 1978
c) 1778
d) 1838
19 “Olelo Hawaii” means a…
a) Hawaiian Language
b) Hawaiian island
c) Hawaiian alphabet
d) Hawaiian pizza
20. What is the ʻOkina?
a) Hawaiian dance
b) the modern Hawaiian name for the symbol (a letter) which represents the glottal stop
c) Hawaiian alphabet
d) Musical instrument
21. Who the first published the grammar of Hawaiian in 1864?
a) King Kamehameha III
b) Captain James Cook
c) Hiram Bingham
d) William DeWitt Alexander
22. Hawaiian children were punished for speaking Hawaiian in school. Is it…
a) False,
b) True,
c) Hardly ever,
d) It’s impossible.
23. When the Hawaiian-language newspapers started to publishing?
a) 1834
b) 1778
c) 1978
d) 1898
24. Who established the first Hawaiian-language constitution in 1839 and 1840?
a) William DeWitt Alexander
b) Queen Kapiolani
c) King Kamehameha III
d) Hiram Bingham
25. What is the kahakō?
a) the modern Hawaiian name for the symbol (a letter) which represents the glottal stop
b) Hawaiian national dish
c) A modern Hawaiian name for the macron symbol
d) Hawaiian dance
26. A Niihau’s dialect is different from “standard” Hawaiian. Is it…
a) False
b) True
c) Hardly ever
d) It’s impossible
27. Pūnana Leo is translated like…
a) Hello, how are you?
b) Turtle
c) Pineapple
d) Nest of voices
28. What American president was born in Hawaii?
a) George W. Bush
b) Bill Clinton
c) Abraham Lincoln
d) Barack Obama
29. Pūnana Leo are private, non-profit preschools run by families, in which the Hawaiian language is the language of instruction and administration. Is it…
a) False
b) True
c) Hardly ever
d) It’s impossible
30. What is the Hula?
a) A national Hawaiian dance
b) A national Hawaiian dish
c) Musical instrument
d) Hawaiian island