Marketing Mix. Apple has a great variety of products
All Apple products are targeted at different groups of people. In order to keep up-to-date, Apple does a lot of marketing research, in order to find out exactly what their customers want. Most of their products are targeted at the young group of people, which I’m going to Also, all Apple products have their own brand names, which have a big impact on their customers. The main aim of this company is to provide people with the products they want, which are also affordable. Several years ago, Apple only concentrated on two main products: computer and software. Nowadays, with the newest technology Apple got involved into different areas of the market, not only selling all types of different products, but designing, developing software for them and even doing packaging. At the moment, Apple is almost the only electronic company in the world, which designs, develops, sells and even does packaging, offering a very high quality of the products. It turns out to be much easier to control the quality of the products and service, when almost all processes are done by one company.