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Corporate objectives


First of all, I would like to explain how Apple actually plans its corporate objectives. It starts with corporate aims which are the long-term ambitions of Apple and the reason why their business exists. These are general objectives where Apple is trying to think how to offer the best possible quality of the products for the best value. Inventing new products, which would satisfy customers’ needs and wants, can also be a corporate objective.

Values are the assumptions that employees at Apple have about their work. In order to introduce and put something new into practice, Apple has to encourage its employees, influence their attitudes and the way people in their company work. Culture and spirit within the business needs to represents their current corporate aims and objectives.

Mission statements are written descriptions which inform Apple stakeholders about the main aims and objectives of the business, and motivate workers as they can see exactly what needs to be done and achieved.

Strategic objectives are also a part of the corporate objectives, which are the medium to long term targets, which are set by senior mangers in Apple in order to help middle, junior managers and other members of staff achieve corporate targets. All departments in the business need to work together in order to achieve the objectives, because they are very important.

There are also operational objectives at Apple, which are basically targets for the day-today operations in the business to make sure staff achieves strategic objectives, which will then have an effect on its corporate objectives. These objectives are usually set for each department in the business. There are also very important, because if one department fails to achieve its operational objective, then all departments within the business might fail to achieve its strategic objectives.

Individual objectives are targets being set for each employee by the junior managers, in order to motivate workers and encourage them to help each department achieve its operational objectives.

It can clearly be seen that everyone in the business is dependent on each other. If one person fails to meet the deadline and do what he was asked to do, then everyone suffers. However, this helps to delegate responsibility to all workers within the business, which also encourages them to work hard in order to help the company achieve what it wants.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 549. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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