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Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type.

1. Possible trouble within the coal industry was foreshadowed by the Minister’s statement yesterday. 2. Even when they get married, they’re always being persuaded back into industry or back into teaching. 3. A very striking feature of contemporary English is the way in which almost any profit-making activity is termed an «industry»;... there is no doubt that it has become a vogue and shows strong signs of triumphing over the less impressive «trade». Agriculture is now regarded as an industry, i.e. «the farming industry». Likewise we hear frequent references to the «horticultural, pig, catering, clothing, toy, film, record, insurance, popular music, railway, handknit, newspaper, holiday, gambling (what economists call an «extractive industry»?), aerospace, banking, tourist, hotel, garage, magazine» and... book industries. 4. «Pater still turning the wheels of industry?» «My father’s dead, sir.» Minnie undressed the baby and put it to bed. Minnie’s manner was one of trained industry, and Carrie could see that it was a steady round of toil with her. 5. Gino ruined the family reputation for industry and reliability. 7. Anthony took in her youthful figure and wondered at the industry and will-power it must have involved — the food refused, the chocolates uneaten, those hours with beauty specialist and masseuse. 8. If they started rooting out all the board chairmen that are in worse shape than I am, you’d see a real industrial revolution in this country. 9. Industrial usage of natural gas varies greatly, from widespread use in the West Midlands and North-West, to the South. 10. It was always possible to argue that a week or two on strike or some other form of industrial action, would result in a compromise and an improved offer.11. Silicosis was, in that year, scheduled as an industrial disease. 12. Horwill pointed out the American habit of alluding to the head of each department in the offices of a newspaper or magazine as an editor; sports editor, fashion editor, and so on. These are now taken quite for granted in Fleet Street, together with other formations such as industrial editor, science editor, financial editor, foreign news editor and even beauty editor. 13. In addition to a vast amount of industrial construction, a tremendous number of shops, dining rooms and other communal facilities had been commissioned in the period under review. 14. It is not the wealthy who feel the worst effects of industrial pollution, it is the health and safety of ordinary workers and their families that is most threatened. 15. «But you always said you’d never take an industrial job.» «Forget what I always said.» 16. The delegates also called for equal benefit payments for industrial and non-industrial accidents. 17. I would drive from one provincial city to another dragging my trailer (trailer-caravan), and come to rest in a well-to-do suburb of an industrial city. 18. How else can he make any money? Teaching? Industrial research? That’s all nonsense. 19. I much enjoyed my sober and industrious life. 20. You have brought him up a good Italian, respectful to his elders, helpful, industrious. 21. He was painstaking; industrious and capable.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 660. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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