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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. An incredulous smile. 2. Incredible difficulties. 3. An incredulous look. 4. An incredible story. 5. A credible account. 6. Incredibly quick. 7. A credible witness. 8. An incredible rumour. 9. Incredible bravery. 10. An incredible speed. 11. Absolutely incredible. 12. To sound incredible. 13. A credulous person. 14. Incredible news. 15. Incredibly foolish. 16. An incredible thing. 17. An incredulous voice. 18. To look incredulous. 19. An incredible pattern. 20. Incredible success. 21. To laugh incredulously. 22. A really incredible number of mistakes.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Did Christopher Columbus leave a credible account of his voyage? 2. At what age are people more credulous, as a rule? 3. What factors make a theory credible? 4. What do you call a person who is too ready to believe things, no matter how incredible they might look? 5. Is it correct to say that Martin Eden had to overcome incredible difficulties on his way to success and general recognition? What were those difficulties? 6. How do you account for little W. A. Mozart’s incredible success? 7. Why did Anthony look incredulous when Ren told him after the trial she would love him just the same as before? 8. Was it easy for Felipe Rivera to convince the others that he wranted to work for the Revolution? How did they take his words? 9. What helps you realize that a person is incredulous of something you are saying? 10. Can you think of an incredible story? 11. In what way do many people in capitalist countries treat the election pledges of candidates running for various posts?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A story difficult to believe. 2. A sceptical smile. 3. Unsurpassed quickness. 4. Extraordinary news. 5. It seems almost impossible to believe. 6. Terribly slow. 7. To look at somebody sceptically. 8. A person ready to believe things. 9. Highly successful. 10. A reliable witness. 11. Exceedingly beautiful. 12. He pulled out a bunch of dollar bills and held them out. The cripple looked at him with incredulity and fear. 13. He (the lawyer) insisted on the flimsiness of the evidence; he poured contempt on the credibility of the disreputable witnesses, he drew red herrings across the path; he contended that the prosecution hadn’t made out a case upon which it was possible to convict.


Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. She, who could be so strong, so resolute, so courageous about life, could also become... weak and stubborn and foolish. 2. «But are they seriously trying to get him into Stormhoek Secondary School?» asked Mrs Mac Gregor.... 3. There was a rather unpleasant business. A millionaire from Texas over here buying pictures, and paying... sums for them. 4. She was the... type. She was the sort of girl who would have given her savings to a swindler, if she’d had any savings. 5. Then he was out in the waiting-room, trying not to show his elation, trying to appear unconscious of Edwards’..., crestfallen face. 6. I can see now with... vividness certain particular ones among these little beads. ) 7. He’s done the most... foolish things, financially. 8. «Just as if nothing -had happened?» «Yes.» He twisted his features.... 9. «She didn’t think it was poison, of course.» «What did she think it was?» Inspector Neele’s voice still sounded.... 10. She always seemed to me... old. She was old, of course. 11. They all looked at her.... 12. «It’s... to me now that I could have done it,» he said, «abandon her like that.» 13. I have at last succeeded, after... difficulty, in almost persuading Sir Roderick that’ you are not actually insane. 14. Then there was an uncle of... antiquity. Rather deaf. 15. The coast was... green. 16. And we’re probably three... fools taken in by a young man with a pleasing personality. 17. His long beak darted with... swiftness into the reeds, stabbing at the soft mud. 18. It was so awful, so... that Jimmy, her husband, should have written her such a letter. Signed it J. С Gayford. Jimmy! 19. It was..., absolutely..., for a moment, that it was really my name that was coupled with this disgraceful suspicion. 20. «But the whole thing is....» Singleton stiffened. «I did not expect you to believe it,» he said. 21. Turner leaned forward, and his mouth opened. «What do you mean?» he asked.... 22. Reactions from musicians approached range from the... to the furious.23. The neatness of his attire was almost...; I believe a speck of dust would have caused him more pain than a bullet wound. 24. «I mean what do you think of them (the children), Bartlett?» «They’re great!» replied the guest with... warmth. 25. We, Sir, we are guided entirely by the statement of our client. That statement, Sir, may be true, or it may be false; it may be... or it may be...; but if it be true, and if it be... I do not hesitate to say, Sir, that our grounds of action, Sir, are strong, and not to be shaken. 26. The number of instances, recorded on the transactions of the Society, in which that excellent man referred objects of charity to the houses of other members for left-off garments, is almost.... 27. I was still.... «Do you doubt me, Jane?» «Entirely.» 28. Now that the... had overwhelmed her consciousness and she realized that Walter was going to die she had but one thought.


Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. When she heard those words... 2. He had not seen his friend for twenty odd years, and now... 3. The witness was asked many additional questions because... 4. «Don’t you believe me?»... 5. I think the ending of the book... 6. On hearing the news, the woman looked surprised... 7. Is the place far from here? — Oh, yes... 8. Lizards can move... 9. I am sure he believes all her words... 10. Her smile was...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. «You mean you want to end things between us?» He looked at her incredulously, hands locked behind his back. 2. The land was brown, and incredibly flat. 3. She had incredibly long black lashes. 4. The mystery of this fascinated and horrified her. He was so extraordinarily kind; it was incredible that he could have had such a devilish intention. 5. He had never come across a fact so incredible. 6. She looked at him incredulously. 7. It seems incredible now that almost exactly two years ago... 8. It is incredible that for the second time... 9. It was incredible that nature (the blue of the sky was clear like a child’s heart) should be so indifferent when men were writhing in agony and going to their death in fear. 10. I believe your story but I am not convinced. It looks incredulous to me. 11. It seems incredible that there should be nothing that I can do. 12. He had declared earnestly that such a thing was incredible. 13. I heard a rumour, but it had seemed too incredible.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives incredible and incredulous; a list of adjectives that go with the adverb incredibly and a list of verbs that go with the adverb incredulously; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Это совершенно невероятно. 2. Она недоверчиво улыбнулась. 3. Мартин Идеи отличался поразительным трудолюбием и настойчивостью. 4. Окончание этого дела кажется мне невероятным. 5. Боюсь, что эти данные не совсем надежны. 6. В вашем диктанте крайне много описок. 7. Джеймс Броуди был исключительным эгоистом по отношению к Мэри и остальным членам семьи. 8. Ее недоверчивый тон возмутил меня. 9. Не будь такой легковерной! Разве ты не видишь, что он тебя обманывает? 10. Его поразительные успехи вызвали всеобщее восхищение. 11. Ребенку казалось, что доктор ужасно старый. 12. Машина двигалась с огромной скоростью.

Revision Exercises (based on the Introductory Material)

Exercise 1. Make up several questions of different types (including indirect questions) based on the following sentences: 2, 3, 5, 9, 11, 12, 17.

Exercise 2. Make up several sentences on the analogy of sentences 4, 9, 11, 14, 18.

Exercise 3. Comment on the following sentences: 1, 4, 5, 14.

Exercise 4. Develop the following sentences into short situations: 3, 4, 10, 12, 14.

Exercise 5. Build dialogues round the following sentences: 1, 8, 9, 13.


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