Exercises on the Text. Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. 1. Where is the scene of this extract laid? 2. Who are the main personages of this extract? 3. What do we learn about George? his background? his attitude to music? 4. What is the author’s attitude to music? 5. Do you share his opinion concerning L. van Beethoven’s Appassionata? 6. Do you agree that’the author knew very little of music? State your reasons. 7. What is the main idea of the extract? Exercise 2. Change the questions suggested in exercise 1 into object clauses introduced by I wonder; I’d like to know, etc. Exercise 3. Ask several questions on the text using some of the words under discussion or some of the grammatical patterns listed on p. 185—220. Exercise 4. Change all difect questions in tho text into indirect ones paying special attention to word order. Exercise 5. Make up several sentences including some of the words under discussion or some of the grammatical patterns listed’ on p. 185—220. Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences. (a) 1. L. van Beethoven’s sonatas and concertos... 2. The author woke... 3. It is incredible that... 4. The author’s conscience... 5. The scene of the action is laid... 6. The Appassionata always arouses in me... 7. The force of Beethoven’s music lies in... 8. W. S. Maugham is a highly imaginative... 9. F. Chopin and P. I. Tchaikovsky are my favourite... 10. George’s playing did not produce a favourable... 11. The author lay back... 12. George seemed to be very fond of classical... 13. At 11 o’clock he rose to go... 14. George was unconscious … 15. Quite unconsciously... 16. George assured the author that he was incredibly... 17. George had been working very hard... (b) 1. When George was playing he looked … 2. George said that he felt... 3. The author thoughts «George and I...» 4. George had played that piece dozens of times, but... 5. The author sat down in one of the... 6. There were not so many... 7. George’s playing made the author... 8. At first, the author did.not quite realize what... 9. George was eager to know what... 10. It was difficult to say why... 11. What makes you...? 12. George’s interpretation of the musical piece he was playing did not sound... 13. The hall was packed, there were more than 300... 14. I don’t know if... 15. The author was not quite sure whether... 16. The author said he would never forget how... 17. George opened a couple... 18. After the first few... 19. George made the author... 20. A person who... 21. W. S. Maugham belongs to those who... 22. There are few... 23. George is one of those who... 24. In the evening Munich looked very... 25. The author said he knew very little... 26. The author realized that George had no... 27. He told George everything he could... 28. The author remembered... Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Сомерсет Моэм — один из популярных современ-. ных писателей. 2. Расскажите мне, пожалуйста, вкратце содержание этого романа. 3. Джордж мечтал, что со временем станет настоящим пианистом и будет принимать участие в концертах. 4. Мне бы хотелось прочесть за лето пару романов Агаты Кристи. 5. Я не могу себя заставить прослушать эту сонату от начала до конца. 6. Когда они вышли из дома, на улице было совершенно безлюдно. 7. Жители города, как правило, засыпали рано и просыпались тоже рано. 8. Слушая оперу, автор задумался над своими собственными произведениями и отвлекся от того, что происходило на сцене. 9. Вы точно помните, какие романы написал Сомерсет Моэм? 10. Уже первые аккорды приковали внимание слушателей. 11. После концерта он выглядел усталым, но счастливым. 12. Мы с Джорджем были хорошими знакомыми. 13. Джону не хотелось оставаться одному, и он уговорил своего друга погостить еще несколько дней. 14. Очень немногие могут стать настоящими музыкантами. 15. «Аппассионата» Людвига ван Бетховена — одно из самых замечательных произведений мировой классической музыки. 16. Любовь Джорджа к музыке поразила автора.