Exercises on the Text
Exercise 1. Answer the following, questions. 1. What kind of person was Marlene? Charlie? 2. What was the girl’s background? education? upbringing? Will you enumerate all the sentences where Marlene is ungrammatical, and correct her mistakes? 3. Was Marlene a sensible girl? 4. Was Charlie an intelligent person? 5. Why did Charlie conduct his experiment? 6. What did the experiment prove? 7. What was the outcome of the experiment? What do you make of it? 8. What is your attitude to Charlie and Marlene? 9. Is the problem tackled by the author important? 10. What can you say on the problem of race discrimination? Exercise 2. Change the questions suggested in exercise 1 into object clauses introduced by I wonder; I’d like to know, etc. Exercise 3. Ask several questions on the text using some of the words under discussion or some of the grammatical patterns listed on p. 185—220. Exercise 4. Change all direct questions in the text into indirect ones paying special attention to word order. Exercise 5. Make up several sentences including some of the words under discussion or some of the grammatical patterns listed on p. 185—220. Exercise 6. Complete the following sentences.
(a) 1. With each successive day Charlie and Marlene... 2. Charlie conducted an elementary experiment to prove... 3. The actual difference between Charlie and Marlene lay not... 4. The experiment was effective and... 5. Roberts was persecuted; that’s why he... 6. Marlene’s speech is often ungrammatical and illiterate, and we feel... 7. I wonder if Marlene was an economical... 8. I am not sure there were any prospects... 9. The situation was tragi-comic because... 10. It is incredible... 11. However hard he might try to... 12. Many words used by Charlie were incomprehensible... 13. Fried potatoes belonged to one of Marlene’s favourite... 14. There was a distinct... 15. The meal was delicious and... 16. Charlie asked Marlene to proceed... 17. After the meal they rose... 18. Charlie aroused in Marlene... 19. The story is a classic illustration... 20. Marlene looked incredulous when... (b) 1. Marlene said she felt fine although... 2. The potatoes tasted delicious... 3. The author makes us realize that it is not Marlene who... 4. I like Charlie who... 5. I can’t agree that Marlene was a person who... 6. Many Negroes who... 7. There are hundreds of people who … 8. I might give a few other examples... 9. Few people... 10. Marlene understood very little of... 11. Charlie is one of many... 12. Marlene was an ordinary girl, like dozens... 13. Charlie made Marlene understand... 14. Marlene was made to realize... 15. The author makes us... 16. What makes you feel...? 17. The story made me... 18. Marlene knew that she and Charlie... 19. Charlie thought that he and Marlene... 20. There are not many examples... 21. It may seem there were no... 22. Marlene thought there wasn’t,.. 23. Marlene asked Charlie if... 24. The girl didn’t understand why... 25. Charlie knew what... 26. He inquired how... 27. He asked Marlene when... Exercise 7. Retell the text in indirect speech paying special attention to indirect questions. Exercise 8. Try and describe Charlie’s and Marlene’s appearance.
Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Несколько минут они сидели молча. 2. Чарли спросил, почему Марлин не хочет сесть за стол. 3. Марлин не могла не сказать, что обе картофелины были очень вкусные. 4. Я не понимаю, что это значит. 5. «Вы знаете, что означают эти слова?» — спросил он у нее. 6. К ее удивлению, никаких неприятных последствий не оказалось. 7. Марлин уверяла Чарли, что чувствует себя прекрасно. 8. Чарли заставил Марлин взглянуть иа вещи другими глазами. 9. На простом примере автор показывает, как глубоки расовые предрассудки. 10. Роман заставляет читателя задуматься над многими вопросами.