Introductory Note........................... 3
1. Advice................,■..’*■’»■> «*;-.... 5 2.Alive, live, living, lively................ 8 • 3. Alone, lonely............................ 15 ■■ ‘ 4. Awake, awaken, wake, waken 19 ««-. 5. Childish, childlike............... 25 ‘; ;l 6. Cloth, cloths, clothes.................. 30 . i 7. Comic, comical....................... 34 8. Comprehensive, comprehensible...... 39 9. Concert, concerto.............................. 43
10.Conscious, conscientious; consciousness, conscience... 47 11.Considerable, considerate............. 53 12.Contemptuous, contemptible........ 59 13.Content, contents........................... 63 14.Continual, continuous.................... 67 15.Distinct, distinctive.................... 73 16.Economic, economical................. 77 17.Effective, effectual, efficient, efficacious 84 18.Elementary, elemental.................... 89 19.Favourite, favourable..................... 94 20.Hair................................................ 98 21.Hard, hardly.................................. 103 22.Historic, historical......................... 108 23.Imaginative, imaginable, imaginary......... 112 24.Incredible, incredulous.... ,-,,,. щ** j 116 25.Industrial, industrious...»‘.’. ‘.■’•>*■- ’..:. * -- • ■ -123 26.Intellectual, intelligent, intelligible.’ ;**,i’., «-*. 128 27.Lie, lay..................... V. ‘. Г.’......... 134 28.Literal, literary, literate.................. 143 29.Military, militant............................ 148 30.Money............................................ 153 31.News.............................................. 157 32.Politics, policy................................ 160 33.Rise, arise, raise, rouse, arouse...... 165 34.Sensible, sensitive.......................... 174 35.Successful, successive.................... 181 List of Grammatical Difficulties Included, with Explanations, 1.The use of some numerals and nouns expressing number — 2.Some pronouns followed by an o/-phrase (some, any, 3.......................................................... (The) other(s), another 191 4.(A) few, (a) tittle.............................. 193 5. Many, much...................................... 197 6.The place of enough......................... 200 7. There is (there are) in negative constructions 201 8.The verb to have in negative sentences 20,’) 9.The use of the verb io make.............. 205
10. Yes and no used in replies to negative questions or state 11. Too and either................................. 209239