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Calculation of economic efficiency


As an example, consider the positive economic effect of the transfer operation on the ESP LTD "KarakudukMunai» (LukOil Overseas Holding LTD.).


Table 2.1 - Input data for calculation.

Numberof ESP      
The average daily increase in production rate, t 7,9 10,2  
Additional oil production thousand tonnes 11,1 29,2 138,5
The cost of one ESP,thousandtenge  
Settlementperiod 3 years
Price of 1 ton oil, tenge  
The share of conditional fixed costs,%  
Rate of change in flow rate 0,95
Since / C, tenge / t  


Carry out the calculation of the PDN (cash flow) and NPV (net present value).Then, the increase in revenue (DVr (Q) t) due to additional sales of crude oil (gas) can be determined by the formula:


DВр(Q)t = DQt Pt,


wherePt - the price of the company for oil or gas without the excise tax and VAT, tenge / t


ΔB(Q)2007 =11100 * 27480 = 305,03 million tenge

ΔB(Q)2008=29200 * 27480=802,42 million tenge

ΔB(Q)2009=138500 *27480=3805,98 million tenge

Increase in current (additional) costs of the event can be calculated by the formula:

DCt = Caddt+ Cevet,


where C addt - current cost of additional oil production, mln. tenge

Cevet - current expenditure in the t-th year for the event NTP (cattle, ORS, etc.), mln.Tenge

Caddt = DQt * C / o * dsvar /100,


whereDQt - additional oil t-th year, thousands of tons;

dsvar - the proportion of semi-variable costs,%;

C / o - the cost of oil, tenge / t.


Cadd2007 =11100 12720 0,45 = 63,54 million tenge

Cadd2008=29200 12720 0,45=167,14 million tenge

Cadd2009=138500 12720 0,45=792,77 million tenge.

Cevet = C1eve * Neve

where C1eve - the average cost of holding a single event (cattle, PRS, etc., to take on actual data reported by NGDP);

Neve - the number of events (cattle, PRS.i etc.).

Ceve2007 = 4*11625000= 46,5million tenge

Ceve 2008=8 11625000=93,0 million tenge

Ceve 2009=18 11625000=209, 25 million tenge

According to the formula 2.2 we find that the current cost of the event:

ΔC2007 = 63,54 +46,5 = 110,04 million tenge

ΔC2008= 167,14 + 93 = 260,14 million tenge

ΔC2009=792,77 + 209,25 =1002,02 million tenge

Capital expenditures are not available, since the costs of ESPs are included in the cost of production, according to the instructions on how to cost accounting and cost calculation of oil.


Gain on sale of:

ΔPrrealt= ΔВt – ΔCt

ΔPr real2007 = 305,03 – 110,04 = 194,99 million tenge

ΔPr real2008 =802,42 – 260,14 = 542,28 million tenge

ΔPr real2009 =3805,98 – 1002,02 = 2803,96 million tenge

Income tax is calculated as follows:

DTinct = ΔPrrealt Tinc / 100,

where the ΔP realt - an increase of profit from the sale of the t-th year, million tenge;

Tinc- income tax rate,% (to 30%);

DTinc2007= 194,99 0,3=58,497 million tenge

DTinc 2008= 542,28 0,3=162,684 million tenge

DTinc 2009=2803,96 0,3=841,188 million tenge

We find cash flow:

ΔCFt= ΔRt - ΔCt – ΔTinc

whereΔRt - increase revenue through additional sales of oil, million tenge;

ΔC t - current cost of the event, tenge;

ΔTinc - income tax.

CF2007 =305,03 – 110,04– 58,497 = 136,493 million tenge

CF2008 =802,42 – 260,14 – 162,684 = 379,596 million tenge

CF2009 =3805,98 – 1002,02– 841,188 = 1962,772 million tenge

Cumulative cash flow (ΔCCF) is calculated for all the years of the billing period as follows:

DCCFt = åDCFк,

where t - current year;

k - the years preceding the current period, inclusive;

ΔCFk - increase cash flow in the k-th year, mln.

DCCF 2007 =DCF2007 = 136,493 million tenge

DCCF 2008= DCCF 2007+DCCF 2008=136,493 + 379,596 =516,089 million tenge

DCCF 2009= DCCF 2008+DCCF 2009= 516,089 + 1962,772 =2478,861 million tenge

Since the flow of cash will be received in installments over several years, i.e. in the future, and the cost is currently implemented, they should lead to the same time. This calculation is called the discounted cash flow, and the resulting calculations of the value – growth discounted cash flow (DDCF), the accumulated discounted cash flow (åDDCF) represents the net present value (DNPV):

DDCFt = CFt at

where at - the discount factor on the t-th year of the project;

at = 1 / (1 + Еcr)t

where the Ecr - a constant discount rate;

T - year implementation of the event, (t = 1,2,3..., T);




Then D DCF 2007= 136,493 0,9091 =124,086 million tenge

D DCF 2008 = 379,596 0,8264=313,7 million tenge

D DCF 2009 = 1962,772 0,751=1474,04 million tenge

We find the net present value (DNPV):

DNPV t =

DNPV 2007=DDCF2007= 124,086 million tenge

DNPV 2008=DDCF2007+DDCF2008= 437,786 million tenge

DNPV 2009=DNPV 2008+DDCF2009= 1911,826 million tenge

The calculation results CCF and NPV are presented in Table 2.2. You can determine the payback period under review the cost of an innovative proposal. Since the value of CCF and NPV are positive in the first year, then costs recouped within 5 months.

Тrecoup. =110,04/305,03= 0,37 year



Table 2.2

Thecalculationofeconomicindicators, milliontenge


Indicators Designation 2007 y. 2008 y. 2009 y.
Numberof ESP Nt      
The increase in oil production, kt Qt 11,1 29,2 138,5
Increase in revenue from the sale of Rt 305,03 802,42 3805,98
Currentexpenses ΔCt 110,04 260,14 1002,02
Increaseinprofits Prrealt 194,99 542,28 2803,96
Taxonprofits Tinc 58,497 162,684 841,188
CashFlow CFt 136,493 379,596 1962,772
Cumulative CF CCFt 136,493 516,089 2478,861
Discountcoefficient αt 0,9091 0,8264 0,751
Discounted CF DCF t 124,086 313,7 1474,04
NetPresentValue NPVt 124,086 437,786 1911,826


Conclusion: As shown by the calculation of the cost-effectiveness of the project, there are no negative NPV, that is, under present economic circumstances, hold the event pays for 5 months. On account of the enterprise for the period under review were received funds amounting to 2478.861 million tenge, and taking into account the time factor, that is, the discount - 1,911,826 million tenge. As you can see, the net present value is positive, i.e., NPV> 0, and this is the criterion of the effectiveness of the project.



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