Comprehension Quiz
A. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the appropriate word or phrase from the article. 1. The waste gas, water and sometimes compressed air are injected into the 2. The reworking of oil fields that were at one time considered to be used 3. The amount of oil remaining in the ground that will be recovered by 4. refers to the amount of oil that has been discovered. B. Choose the appropriate answer to the following questions. 1. When an oil well becomes blocked, what is the technique for reopening the well? a. This technique involves pumping gas into the well. b. This technique involves pumping water and sand into the well. c. This technique involves pumping water into the well. d. This technique involves pumping an acid into the well. 2. What term is used when we are speaking about a blockage of a well by pieces of asphalt, wax and other solid material? a. Usually the term recovery is used. b. Usually the term pumping is used. c. Usually the term obstruction is used. d. Usually the term reworking is used. Chapter Four CHAPTER Five