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Identify the nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs in the following groups of words. Use the appropriate ones in the sentences below. Choose the correct form of the word.

A. a. manage, b. manager, c. management, d. managerial, e. manageable, f. managed.


1. In this company we have a new approach to ___________.

2. To successfully achievee their goals managers need three essential _______ skills: technical, human, and conceptual.

3. If you don’t _______ to complete your taxes by April 15th, you will likely get in trouble.

4. Many ________ are technically proficient but inter-personally incompetent.

5. A currency which is controlled by governmental with respect to the rate of exchange with other currencies is called _________ currency.

6. Use conditioner to make dry hair softer and more ____________.

B. a. economy, b. economics, c. economic, d. economical, e. economize, f. economist, g. economically, h. uneconomic.


1. Backward farming methods made grain production _______.

2. To _________ means to use money or fuel very carefully.

3. The study of the way goods and services are produced and sold and the way money is managed is referred to as ________.

4. Politically and __________ the country is going through enormous changes.

5. _______ geography is one of the obligatory subjects at our University.

6. An expert in economics, especially one who advises government, department, business or organization is called an __________.

7. It would be more ___________ to switch the machine off at night.

8. Do you know three of the fastest-growing ____ in the Asia-Pacific region?


J. Juran was the first to propose the use of Pareto Analysis in quality management. Read and translate the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

PARETO’ RULE IN QUALITY MANAGEMENT   In his early days as a young engineer Joseph Juran noted that when a list of defects was arranged in the order of frequency, (1) _________ few types of defects accounted for the bulk of those found. As his career in management progressed he noted the (2) __________ of this phenomenon in other areas. The idea of `the vital few and the trivial many' was forming. In the 1930s J. Juran was (3) ___________ to the work of an Italian sociologist and economist, who had produced a mathematical model to explain the unequal (4) __________ of wealth. Studying the distributions of wealth in different countries, Pareto noticed that a fairly consistent minority – about 20% – of people controlled the large majority – about 80% – of a society's wealth. In preparing the first (5) ________ of the Quality Control Handbook Juran needed a form of shorthand to describe his idea. Remembering Pareto's work he captioned his description as `Pareto's principle of (6) __________ distribution'. Since then `the Pareto Principle' has become a standard term to describe any situation where a relatively small percentage of factors are (7) ________for the substantial percentage of effect. Juran was, in reality, the first to identify and popularise the 80:20 rule as a (8) ___________ principle. The Pareto effect operates in quality improvement like that: 80% of problems usually stem from 20% of the causes. Pareto charts are used to display the Pareto principle in action, arranging data so that the few vital factors that are causing most of the problems reveal themselves. Concentrating (9) ______________ efforts on these few will have a greater impact and be more cost-effective than (10) ___________ efforts.   RELATIVE     OCCUR     INTRODUCTION   DISTRIBUTE   EDIT     EQUAL     RESPONSIBILITY   UNIVERSE     IMPROVE   DIRECT

4 One of the key words of this unit is the word “management”. It is known to have different meanings. This can be illustrated by the following sentence: People who wish to have a career as a manager must study the discipline of management as a means toward practicing the process of management.

So, ‘management’ can denote:

a. the people who control and operate a business or organization

b. the process of organizing, coordinating and controlling activities

c. discipline – subject with principles, concepts and theories

d. career.

Read the sentences and define the meanings of the word “management” in them.

1. Talks between management and employees ended in disagreement over pay cuts.

2. We study management to understand principles, concepts and theories and to learn how to apply them in the process of managing.

3. The size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies.

4. Many companies go bankrupt due to bad management

5. Joe Cardenas is on the fast track in our quality improvement. He has held three management positions and is now after 10 years being promoted to the vice president level.

6. The heart of effective management is communication.

5 Look at Fig. 1.7 carefully. What do you think it demonstrates? Make explanatory comments on this model answering the questions:



1. What does this model represent?

2. Do you know the name of its originator?

3. What do you think the upward arrow symbolizes?

4. What does the first step denote?

5. How is step 14 interrelated with step 1?

6. What do you think the intermediate steps denote?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1745. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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