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Identify the nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs in the following groups of words. Use the appropriate ones in the sentences below. Choose the correct form of the word.

A. a. quality, b. qualitative, c. qualitatively, d. qualify, e. qualification, f. qualified, g. unqualified.


1. This course _________ him to be a manager.

2. ___________ data describes but does not measure the attributes, characteristics, properties of a thing or phenomenon.

3. This cut in funding will adversely affect the ________ of education in our schools.

4. These are two ____________ distinct products.

5. She left school with no ________________.

6. The financial statement was prepared by an ___________ accountant.

7. She is particularly well ______________ to give an opinion.

B. a. use, b. usage, c. useful, d. useless, e. user, f. usefulness, g. used, h. unused, i. usefully.

1. The engine _____ very little oil

2. I was _______ to them because I could speak French.

3. I cannot _______ contribute to this debate.

4. I'm not sure about the _______ of her observations.

5. This technology is ______ if you aren't trained to operate it.

6. _______ of the network will greatly benefit from these improvements.

7. They ______ the recession as an excuse to get rid of workers.

8. You know he's just ______ you.

9. Psychological tests are _____ for selection purposes.

10.You can get a refund on any _____ travellers' cheques.

11.My friend is a ______ car salesman.

12.There are some major differences between English and American ___.

13.This information may be of ____ to him.


5 Match the words which are very close in their meaning.


1. excellent a consumer, buyer, client
2. tangible b guarantee
3. deployment c to ascribe
4. to enhance d actual, current, modern
5. assurance e to activate, to initiate
6. customer f extremely good
7. to attribute g to differentiate
8. contemporary h use
9. to trigger i material
10.to distinguish j to improve


6 Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).


Customer-Driven Quality   Quality is judged by the customer. All product and service attributes that contribute value to the customer and lead to customer (0) satisfaction and preference must be addressed (1)_____________ in quality systems. Value, satisfaction, and preference may be influenced by many factors. This includes the relationship between the company and customers – the trust and (2)_______________ in products and services – that leads to (3) ____________ and preference. This concept of quality includes not only the product and service attributes that meet basic requirements. It also includes those that (4)______________________ them from competing offerings. Customer-driven quality is thus a (5)___________ concept. It is directed toward market share gain. It demands constant sensitivity to emerging customer and market requirements, and (6)_________________ of the factors that drive customer satisfaction. It also demands (7)________________ of developments in technology, and rapid and flexible response to customer and market requirements. Such requirements extend beyond defect and error reduction. Nevertheless, defect and error reduction and (8)_________________ of causes of dissatisfaction contribute significantly to the customers’ view of quality and are thus also important parts of customer-driven quality. In addition, the company’s approach to recovering from defects and errors is crucial to its improving both quality and (9)________________ with customers.     SATISFY APPROPRIATE   CONFIDE LOYAL     DIFFER   STRATEGY     MEASURE   AWARE     ELIMINATE   RELATION

7 What do we call these things, processes and people? Use the structure noun + noun.

Example: a manager working for a bank is a bank manager;

1. the process of managing the quality ……

2. expectations of customers …..

3. research of the market ….

3. regulations made by the government are…….

4. goods of high quality ….

5. an increase in prices ……

6. techniques used in management

7. somebody whose job is to inspect quality …

8. science which studies management ….

9. tax that you pay on your income is …

10. equipment used for production purposes ….

11. costs for providing quality ….

12. manager whose job is to control quality …

13. competition in quality …


1 Match terms in column A with their definitions in column B.


1 quality a lack of something necessary for completeness or perfection; shortcoming; deficiency
2 excellence b the study of influences upon customer and consumer behaviour and the analysis of market characteristics and trends
3 quality control c the state or quality of excelling or being exceptionally good; extreme merit; superiority
4 quality assurance d the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
5 defect e the methods that a company uses to check that the standard of its services or goods is high enough
6 market research f the regular tests that are done in a factory to make sure that its products are good enough to sell
7 quality criteria g characteristics of a good or service that determine whether it meets the expressed and implied requirements of its customers. Also called quality requirements.
8 cost effectiveness h relationship between monetary inputs and the desired outcome, such as between the expenditure on an advertising campaign and increase in sales revenue.

2 In the text below fill in the blanks using the words from the bottom.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1411. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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