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Table 1.1. Definitions of Quality arranged by category of focus

Category Definition
1. Manufac-turing-based “ Quality means conformance to requirements.” Phillip B. Crosby “Quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to a design or specification.” Harold L. Gilmore


2. Customer-based “Quality is fitness for use.” J. M. Juran Quality is meeting customer expectations. The Quality Improvement Process is a set of principles, policies, support structures, and practices designed to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our way of life. AT&T “You achieve customer satisfaction when you sell merchandise that doesn’t come back and a customer who does.” Stanley Marcus
3. Product-based “Differences in quality amount to differences in the quantity of some desired ingredient or attribute.” Lawrence Abbott “Quality refers to the amount of the unpriced attribute contained in each unit of the priced attribute.” Keith B.Leffler
4. Value-based “Quality is the degree of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost.” Robert A. Broh “Quality means best for certain customer conditions. These conditions are (a) the actual use and (b) the selling price of the product.” Armand v. Feigenbaum
5. Transcen-dent “Quality is neither mind nor matter, but a third entity independent of the other two … even though Quality cannot be defined, you know what it is.” Robert Pirsig “A condition of excellence implying fine quality as distinct from poor quality… Quality is achieving or reaching the highest standard as against being satisfied with the sloppy or fraudulent.” Barbara W. Tuchman

2 Read the text again and find information to answer the questions.

1. What is quality from the philosophical point of view?

2. What two types of qualities does Aristotle differentiate?

3. What is the difference between primary and secondary qualities according to J. Locke?

4. What does quality mean in common use?

5. Why is quality a difficult term to define from technical and economic standpoint?

6. What is the most frequently used definition of quality in business and economics?

7. What are typical quality characteristics of goods and services?

8. Why is market research needed?

9. How can a total quality organisation be achieved?

10. What two common functions within an organisation are used to improve quality?


1 Refer back to the text and match a line in A with a line in B to define English-Russian equivalents.


1 quality assurance a пригодность для использования
2 quality control b обнаружение недостатков
3 prevention of defects c в зависимости от обстоятельств и восприятий
4 detection of defects d совершенство
5 intrinsic to an object e контроль качества
6 fitness for use f подробное описание качества
7 depending upon circumstances and perceptions g обеспечение (гарантия) качества
8 excellence h предупреждение дефектов
9 specification of quality i совокупность свойств
10 totality of features j эффективность затрат
11 cost effectiveness k присущий объекту
12 stated needs of customers l структуры материального обеспечения
13 implied needs of customers m предполагаемые нужды потребителей
14 conformance to requirements n установленные потребности потребителей
15 support structures o соответствие требованиям


2 Look back in the text and find the words which have a similar meaning to:


a a distinguishing characteristic, property, or attribute (1)

b a condition of time, place, etc., that accompanies or influences an event (3)

c a statement of what a word or expression means (3)

d a very large number of people or things(3)

e help and advice given to customers in a shop, hotel, or business (4)

f a person or company that buys goods or services (5)

g the detailed study of something in order to discover new facts, especially in a university or scientific institution (5)


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