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It rotates. It vibrates. It revolves. It evolves.

There is air on it. There is water on it. There is life on it.

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Mysterious and real, Romantic and rational,

Fantastically extravagant, And surprisingly naive.

Always attractive. Never prosaic.

Always shocking. Never ordinary.

Always in motion. Never inert.

Grandious and respectable. A personality. An individual...

It has a name. It has a status.

It has an address. It has a permanent residence.

It has a figure, form, structure and composition.

It has parameters. It has a character.

It has a biography. It has a history.

It has its secrets and its charm.

Its history is a legend. Its biography is a myth. Its secrets are mysterious. Its charm is unique.

It is attractive as a magnet. It is lustrous as a diamond.

Its functions are multiple and various.

Its potential is gigantic and infinite.

Its activity is dynamic and creative.

Its reactions are both spontaneous and gradual.

It is conservative and modern. It is a designer and producer. It is the accelerator of its progress And the initiator of its creative activity.

There are objects and organisms there. There are processes and phenomena, There are images and contrasts.

There are oceans of sounds, Tones and half-tones, Sentiments and emotions, Tragedy and comedy. Rhythm and melody, Prose and poetry,

It rotates.

It vibrates.

It pulsates

It generates

And accumulates its infinite resources.


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In this large and tiny world There is a place for all: There are continents Big and small,

There are creatures Short and tall,

There are climates Warm and cold, There are islands Young and old, There are rivers Short and long,

There are currents Weak and strong, There are valleys Wide and narrow, There are lakes Both deep and shallow, There are sunsets Red and yellow,

There are people
I Rich and poor,

There are kind, And there are cruel, There are fat, And there are thin. But for nature All are kin:

None can lose, And none can win!

Ш Расскажите о Земле, используя "transparent words" и базовые грамматические конструкции.


Scientist Is a Mystery Scientist Is a Detective

Nature is a great mystery that interests a scientist. Like a detective focuses on a crime, a scientist concentrates on natural facts and phe­nomena.

Now, you be a detective.

Ш Прочитайте текст без словаря. Обратите внимание на употребление времен и связующих элементов.



It is a planet. It has the Biosphere.
It is unique. It has created Man.
It is rotating. It has been protecting Man.
It is composed of matter. It has been modified by Man.
It is in the Universe. It is the Earth. ............................................... J

So the Earth is a unique planet. Unlike other planets it has the Biosphere. Thus, it had, has and will have Life.

There is much information and many hypotheses as to the origin of life on Earth.

In fact it is the Biosphere that determined the origin of life. The Biosphere was forming in the process of Earth's evolution.


With the formation of the biosphere the evolution has been and isl still continuing.

Thus, life is connected with the biosphere.

It was formed in the Biosphere.

The composition and energy of the biosphere have been and are! being affected by the past and present activity of natural substances. I

As a result of this interaction a specific organic system of our plan-l et, Earth, has been formed.


-* is unique

The Earth is a planet which ■. n

______________________ -* is composed of matter

-> is (being) affected by evolution ]

r------------------------------------ 1-» has created Man

The Earth is a planet which _> nas me biosphere

-* has been protecting Man

-> unique

-+ rotating ~* havmg the bl0SPherel

r------------------ 1 _^ лл__ лл a I— \ —71 "* having created Man I

The Earth is a composed planet t. *

of matter ---------- "* havinS been

-affected by protecting Man I

evolution 36

[Ж Продолжите "расследование". Выясните, какие воп­росы скрываются за знаком "?".


— It is unique because it has the Biosphere.


— Yes, you're right, the Biosphere is very specific as it has life.


— Quite so, life is an extremely complex phenomenon because life is the creation and the result of complex biochemical processes.


— Yes, it's quite true, since the composition and the energy of the Biosphere are conditioned by the past and present activity of living matter. That is why the components of the Biosphere are originally interconnected: lithospere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, living organisms and cosmic energy.



— Yes, quite so. The Biosphere permanently evolves. There is a process of continuous interaction between living and non-living matter and energy, hence there is a constantly functioning biological circula­tion.

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Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 707. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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