A/D - analog to digital ABS - absolute ABV - above AC - alternating current ACP - audio control panel AD - air data ADF - automatic direction finder ADIRS - air data inertial reference system ADIRU - air data inertial reference unit ADR - air data reference ALT - altitude AM - amplitude modulated AMP - amplifier ANT - antenna APP - approach APU - auxiliary power unit ARINC - aeronautical radio, INC. ATC - air traffic control ATCRBS - air traffic control radar beacon system ATT - attitude BFO - beat frequency oscillator BITE - built-in test equipment BLW - below BOT - bottom CAPT - captain CDU - control display unit CNTL - control COAX - coaxial CONV - convertor CPU - central processing unit D/A - digital to analog DC - direct current DET - detection DEU - display electronics unit DME - distance measuring equipment EFIS - electronic flight instrument system ELEX - electrical F/O - first officer FL - flight level FLT - flight FMC - flight management computer GND - ground GP - general purpose GPS - global positioning system HEX - hexadecimal HZ - hertz I/O - input/output ID - identification IDENT - identification INS - instrument INT - interrogator IRS - inertial reference system L - left LBL - left buttock line LCD - liquid crystal display LED - light emitting diode LRU - line replaceable unit MAX - maximum MHZ - mega hertz MMR - multi mode receiver N - normal NAV - navigation NC - not connected NCD - no computed data NORM - normal NVM - non volatile memory OVHT - overheat PNL - panel POS - position PPS - precision positioning service QEC - quadrantal error correction R - right RAIM - receiver autonomous integrity monitor RBL - right buttock line RBL - right buttock line RCVR - receiver REL - relative RF - radio frequency RPTG - reporting RX - receive SAT - satellite SCR - silicon controlled rectifier SDI - source destination identifier SIG - signal SLS - side lobe suppression SPI - special purpose IDENTIFICATION SPS - STANDARD POSITIONING SERVICE SS - SINGLE SHOT SSR - SECONDARY SURVEILLANCE RADAR STA - STATION STBY - STANDBY SW - SWITCH TA - TRAFFIC ADVISORY TAS - true air speed TCAS - traffic alert and collision avoidance system TPR - transponder TX - transmit UTC - universal time (coordinated) V - volts WL - water line XFR - transfer XMTR - transmitter