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International Life-Saving Appliance Code


1.1.1 The purpose of this Code is to provide international standards for life-saving appliances required by Chapter III of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974.

1.1.2 On and after 1 July 1998, the requirements of this Code will be mandatory under the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended. Any future amendments to the Code will be adopted and brought into force in accordance with the procedure laid down in article VIII of that Convention.



Chapter I




.1 Convention means the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea, 1974, as amended.

.2 Effective clearance of the ship is the ability of the free-fall lifeboat to move away from the ship after free-fall launching without using its engine.

.3 Free-fall acceleration is the rate of change of velocity experienced by the occupants during launching of a free-fall lifeboat.

.4 Free-fall certification height is the greatest launching height for which the lifeboat is to be approved, measured from the still water surface to the lowest point on the lifeboat when the lifeboat is in the launch configuration.

.5 Launching ramp angle is the angle between the horizontal and the launch rail of the lifeboat in its launching position with the ship on even keel.

.6 Launching ramp length is the distance between the stern of the lifeboat and the lower end of the launching ramp.

.7 Regulation means a regulation contained in the annex to the Convention.

.8 Required free-fall height is the greatest distance measured from the still water surface to the lowest point of the lifeboat when the lifeboat is in the launch configuration and the ship is in its lightest seagoing condition.

.9 Retro-reflective material is a material which reflects in the opposite direction a beam of light directed on it.

.10 Water-entry angle is the angle between the horizontal and the launch rail of the lifeboat when it first enters the water.

.11 The terms used in this Code have the same meaning as those defined in regulation III/3.


3.4 General requirements for life-saving appliances Paragraph applies to life-saving appliances on all ships. Unless expressly provided otherwise or unless, in the opinion of the Administration having regard to the particular voyages on which the ship is constantly engaged, other requirements are appropriate, all life-saving appliances prescribed in this part shall:

.1 be constructed with proper workmanship and materials;

.2 not be damaged in stowage throughout the air temperature range -30°C to +65°C;

.3 if they are likely to be immersed in seawater during their use, operate throughout the seawater temperature range -1°C to +30°C;

.4 where applicable, be rot-proof, corrosion-resistant, and not be unduly affected by seawater, oil or fungal attack;

.5 where exposed to sunlight, be resistant to deterioration;

.6 be of highly visible colour on all parts where this assist detection;

.7 be fitted with retro-reflective material where it will assist in detection and in accordance with the recommendations of the Organization;

.8 if they are to be used in a seaway, be capable of satisfactory operation in that environment;

.9 be clearly marked with approval information, including the Administration which approved it and any operational restrictions; and

.10 where applicable, be provided with electrical short-circuit protection to prevent damage or injury. The Administration shall determine the period of acceptability of life-saving appliances which are subject to deterioration with age. Such life-saving appliances shall be marked with a means for determining their age or the date by which they must be replaced. Permanent marking with a date of expiry is the preferred method of establishing the period of acceptability. Batteries not marked with an expiration date may be used if they are replaced annually, or in the case a secondary battery (accumulator), if the condition of the electrolyte can be readily checked.


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