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What is the sexist pronoun war?

Historically, the masculine pronoun has been used when the gender of the antecedent is unknown, or if both genders are represented. Many old proverbs illustrate it: "He laughs best who laughs last." "He who hesitates is lost." "He who plays the piper calls the tune." Some women see this as evidence of patriarchal domination. Others just don't like it. Often you can rewrite your sentence and avoid the problem altogether — make the verb and pronoun plural, for example — but sometimes rewriting isn't possible. Proposed alternatives include s/he and he or she, both of which interrupt the flow of the sentence and seem to be making a political point in the middle of whatever you are trying to say. Be aware that using the masculine pronoun may offend some people. Also be aware that the smooth flow of your sentence may be at stake. We solve the problem by alternating he and she... it isn't a perfect solution, but it isn't a perfect world. The language may evolve, giving us a better option in the future.

(from "Grammar Smart")

Ex. 130. Read the following sentences and give their equivalents in Russian

1. For each man under the sun life is a game. 2. Every medal has two sides. 3. Every dog has his day. 4. Everything comes to him who waits. 5. Every man is the architect of his own fortune. 6. Everybody's business is nobody's business. 7. Every little helps. 8. Everything must have a beginning. 9. Everything has an end. 10. He was every inch a gentleman. 11. Every cloud has a silver lining. 12. This is America! Count every vote!

Ex. 131. Insert every or each

1.... morning my Mom left lists a mile long for... of us, there was so much work to do about the house. 2. Opening my bag I took out two envelopes with Dad printed across their fronts in childlike letters. Handing them to Andrew, I said, "Lissa and Jamie have... written you a card."3. She had a present for... child. 4. We... have our private views about it. 5.1 loved... minute of it. 6. They were all just sitting there,... of them thinking private thoughts. 7. Rosie changed the subject... time it was raised. 8. She offered us a tin of biscuits and my sister and I had one.... 9. The government changes... five years. 10.1 had only two suitcases, but... weighed over twenty kilos. 11. She has... chance of success in the life she has chosen. 12. We only save enough money to take a real vacation... other year. 13. We saw three young elephants,... the size of a car. 14.... of you should sign the register before you leave. 15.... child should be educated. It's a must. 16. He inspected... of the cars which were in the garage. 17. We have... completed our work.

Ex. 132. Translate into English

1.Мы встречаемся с друзьями каждый Новый год. 2. Каждого студента экзаменуют два раза в год. 3. Каж­дой девушке хочется выйти замуж. У каждой свой иде­ал. 4. Они ждут гостей с минуты на минуту. 5. Каждо­го солдата похвалили за храбрость, и каждому дали ме­даль. 6. Двое из них не пришли на встречу, у каждого была серьезная причина. 7. Каждый член команды дол­жен пройти медицинский осмотр перед каждым мат­чем. 8. У каждого из нас свои привычки. 9. Не каж­дая женщина может стать судьей. 10. В этой семье у каждого своя машина. 11. Эти журналы стоят пятьде­сят рублей каждый. 12. Он до мозга костей поэт. 13. Он бреется каждый третий день. 14. У нас две комнаты, каждая с балконом. 15. Каждая из книг была помече­на. 16. Я очень многому научился у каждого из вас.

Ex. 133. Insert either or neither

1.1 was expecting you... today or tomorrow. 2. He spoke... English nor French. 3. — Which one do you want? —I don't want.... 4. We can meet... at six or at seven. 5. Nelly has two friends.... is in town now. 6. The weather is... cold nor warm today. 7. Doctor, you are not being... frank or fair. 8. — Which one do you want? — I don't want.... 9. There was no sound from... of the flats. 10. She... drinks, smokes, nor eats meat. 11. In... case the answer is the same. 12. They may be... here or there.


Ex. 134. Translate into English.

1. Знаменитая певица приехала на фестиваль с телох­ранителем с каждой стороны. 2. Обе книги интерес­ные. Возьми любую. 3. — Что ты будешь пить: чай или кофе? — Ни то, ни другое. Я буду пить сок. 4. В каждом конце коридора стояла пальма. 5. Ни один из моих двух сыновей не играет на музыкальном ин­струменте. 6. Я тоже не знаю, где он живет. 7. Сделай это либо сегодня, либо завтра. 8. На каждом берегу реки стояли маленькие деревянные домики. 9. — Я не люблю пиво. — Мой муж тоже. 10. Родители Та­раса не будут смотреть фильм ужасов в субботу. Та­рас тоже не будет его смотреть.


Ex. 135. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the words in bold type.

1. She was now listening to whoever it was on the other end of the line. 2. And now let's go in and join the others. 3. However, there were other matters fpr us grown-ups to consider. 4. All European languages belong to the same family except for Finnish, Hungarian, Basque and one or two others. 5. Bees carry pollen from one plant to another. 6. The boxers went on hitting each other. 7. Some books are useful to read, others are just a waste of time. 8. He produced two films. One became a classic, the other passed unnoticed. 9. My Dad says he needs another car. 10. Some people are bitterly frustrated when this happens. Others are not. 11. One man's meat is another man's poison. 12. I've got another three books 81

to read. 13. On the one hand it is true, on the other not quite. 14. In 1900 the Uffizi gallery in Florence had 2,395 paintings on display. Today it shows just 500. The others are locked away, almost never seen.


Ex. 136. Translate into English.

1. Мы встречались на днях. Мы давно не видели друг друга. 2. Это, так сказать, оборотная сторона медали. 3. В моей группе было двенадцать студентов. Четверо были иностранцы, остальные москвичи. 4. У них две дочери. Одной семь лет, другой пять. 5. Одни блюда легко готовить, другие нет. 6. Мы неправильно друг друга поняли. Дайте мне еще один шанс. 7. У нас два балкона. Один выходит на юг, другой на восток. 8. Мы изучаем много предметов. Одни нам интересны, дру­гие нет. 9. Закрой один глаз, потом другой. 10. Де­вочка шла в школу в первый раз в первый класс. В одной руке у нее был портфель, а в другой букет цве­тов. 11. Некоторые люди нравятся нам, другие нет. 12. — У меня два зонтика. Один красный, а другой черный. — Да, некоторые люди любят яркие цвета, другие темные. 13. Люди не решались смотреть друг на друга. 14. Мне нужно еще раз взглянуть на эту картину. 15. Какие еще сведения вы нам принесли? 16. Дело провалилось, потому что партнеры не дове­ряли друг другу. 17. Люди должны помогать и дове­рять друг другу. 18. Но если меня обидят, то я не ста­ну подставлять другую щеку. 19. Извини, но не было Другого способа сделать это. 20. Я подожду, пока вер­нутся остальные. 21. С одной стороны, это хороший шанс, а с другой стороны, это опасно


Ex. 137. Read and translate the sentences

1. All was quiet in the street. 2. They all live together in the same house. 3. We would all be disappointed if you cancelled the meeting. 4. He was all smiles. 5. Look, give me a chance. That's all I want. 6. Get back to the others and we'll forget the whole thing. 7. They're the 82

best in the whole world. 8. The whole of Europe is in crisis. 9.1 have never told this to anyone else in my whole life. 10. He ate a whole plate of porridge. 11.1 read the whole book in one evening. 12. All is well that ends well.


Ex. 138. Read and translate the sentences. Say what part of speech the word one is in the sentence.

1. Ten minus one is nine. 2. If there was one thing Julie couldn't do without it was tea. 3. I'll have this one, thank you. 4. These trousers aren't as tight as the other ones.

5. We'll discuss it one day when you are feeling better.

6. — Want a drink? — I think I'll have one. 7. Come along now, little ones, off to bed. 8. One can get a free dinner here. 9. People were standing around in ones and twos. 10. It's nearly one o'clock. 11. Goodbye, dear one. 12. Hugh was not one to be easily fooled. 13. One will have to do it oneself then. 14. — Which is your file? — The one on the upper shelf. 15. Constant pain gets one down. 16. One can never tell, but to my mind he could make a fairly good husband.


Ex. 139. Use one or ones instead of the nouns in bold type where |possible.

1. These oranges are tired. Have you got fresher oranges? 2. These gloves are a bit tight. Can you show bigger gloves? 3. This shirt is too bright. I need a darker shirt. 4.1 looked through the files and took the file which I hadn't seen before. 5.1 have had enough ice-cream. Give me no more ice-cream. 6. — Which case is Fred's? — The case with a tag. 7. The difference between a good doctor and a bad doctor lies in his competence. 8. This advice is more useful than the advice you gave me last week. 9. The new manager is much more competent than the manager we had last year. 10. Today's news is much more encouraging than the news we got yesterday. 11. I've lost my purse. I'm going to buy a new purse one of these days. 12. The weather this week is no better than the weather we had last week.


Ex. 140. Read the proverbs and give their Russian equivalents.

1. One law for the rich and another for the poor. 2. One cannot be in two places at once. 3. One good turn deserves another. 4. One is never too old to learn. 5. One swallow does not make a summer. 6. They brag most who can do least. 7. You cannot have it both ways. 8. They also serve who only stand and wait. 9. You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink. 10. You never know what you can do till you try. 11. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 12. One learns by experience.


Ex. 141. Read the dialogue and retell it in indirect speech.

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