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Introduction. Politology is the an important discipline in system socially-humanitarian education, entered into the list of the obligatory disciplines approved by special

Politology is the an important discipline in system socially-humanitarian education, entered into the list of the obligatory disciplines approved by special structural division of the United Nations-UNESCO. Its object is the policy as aspect of life-activity of a modern society. The politology science studies laws of functioning of policy, its historical development. The maintenance of politology consists of authority problems, the state and interstate relations. The theory of policy developed on all extent of history of a civilization, since an antique epoch, but as a part of public knowledge political science became in second half XIX centuries and in first half XX of century. Value of political science as developing science, is especially great as the original catalyst of ideas in all system socially-humanitarian knowledge. In a new stage of political practice and science development the necessity of their essential updating has appeared.

In Kazakhstan, as well as in other CIS countries, the political science began to develop after crash of totalitarian system and finding of independence. At the same time it was included into curricula of higher educational institutions. Typical programs have been developed and the first textbooks are created. There was a necessity of essential updating on a new stage of political practice and a science development.

The aim of discipline of "Politology" consists of developing at students skills of the independent analysis of the complex phenomena and tendencies in sphere of a political life, to give a necessary minimum of knowledge in the politics, to promote formation at students of the conceptual devise. Studying of discipline "Politology" is called to formulate political outlook and political culture of students, to promote their active participation in the decision of the problems facing to Republic Kazakhstan.


Tasks of discipline training.

· Mastering by students of the basic concepts of politology, such as authority, the state, a lawful state, a civil society, forms of political system, political regims, political culture.

· Mastering by students of the basic laws of the political life’s development, functioning of political system and political institutes, political culture and formation of a civic stand.

· Skill to define the socially-philosophical and ideologically-theoretical bases of policy, systemmaking attributes and characteristics of a subsystem political, the political paradigms corresponding this or that concrete historical period.

· Skill to analyze the international political processes, geopolitic conditions, a place and a role of Kazakhstan in the modern world.

· Application of polytologic knowledge in a daily life and in the professional work


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