Data on teachers
1.8. The contact information: the location of chair (the address, the building, an audience), phones, the electronic address. Semipalatinsk, Lenin street 3, 3 floor. 315 room - the chair head’s cabinet; 317- room - a room of laboratorians; 314. 316- room - cabinet of teachers; 301-313. 318 rooms - classrooms. The policy of discipline is in student’s taking conceptually-categorial device of politology, reviewing the political literature, making discussion, dialogues, participating in testing, carrying out of games of various types, owning bases of political thinking; qualificationaly and competently comparing political public systems known to a world civilization, seeing their most progressive forms and undertaking efforts on their realization within the limits of the state; searching for compromises and reaching a consensus at the decision of the professional problems, formed political culture. - The student should visit all lectures and seminars on discipline "Politology": The student should be ready to the answer by each theme of seminars concerning the plan of lesson, preliminary having studied matherials on the specified literature; if the student has passed lesson he should answer orally at o'clock of working off, within two weeks; - if the student reception a unsatisfactory estimation of he should answer questions under tests to the given theme; - if the student has 3 and more unfinished misses of lecture and seminar or more than 2 unsatisfactory estimations for the period of training he cannot be certified in current month; - observance of the medical uniform on seminars and lectures; - there is the student's scientific circle at a course; consultations and working off on discipline are spent according to the chair time-table; - there are methodical recommendations for independent work of student on all themes of chair discipline "Politology"