Of discipline
Almaty, 2012.
Syllabus of discipline «Philosophy»
Syllabus was designed by the teacher of Social humanitarian sciences department Chongarov E. on the basis of teaching standard program for humanitarian disciplines of higher education worked out and submitted by Kazakh National University after al – Farabi and group of scientists which was affirmed by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, № 200, in March, 30, 2005 year (GOSO RK 5.03.007-2006, the Republic of Kazakhstan). The standard program for humanitarian disciplines of higher education has been affirmed and carried out by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of R K, № 480 in July, 12, 2005 year.
Worked out by Chongarov E.K.
It is discussed at chair meeting Pedagogy and socio – humanitarian discipline (The chair name)
«___» __________ 20__, the report № __
Head of chair Shalbayev A.A. (The signature, First name, middle initial, last name)
It is approved by faculty Council Law and socio –humanitarian disciplines (The faculty name)
«___» __________ 20__, the report № __
The chairman of the council of faculty ______________________________ (The signature, First name, middle initial, last name)
The content of of discipline «PHILOSOPHY»