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95-100 points (A) are given to a student, who has demonstrated a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth knowledge of the educational program material, self-fulfilled all the tasks envisaged by the program, deeply acquired basic and additional literature, recommended by the program, actively worked on practical training, knowledge of basic scientific concepts to the study of discipline, who showed creativity and scientific approach in understanding and summarizing of materials, whose gives full answer using accurately terms and represents the material in a consistent and logical way.

90-94 points (A) are given to a student, who has demonstrated a comprehensive, systematic knowledge of the educational program’s material, fulfilled all the tasks envisaged by the program, deeply acquired basic literature and familiar with extra recommended sources, actively worked on practical studies, who showed a systematic knowledge in the discipline, sufficient for further study, as well as an ability to their self-replenishment, who gives full answer accurately using specific terms.

85-89 points (B+) are given to a student, who demonstrated full knowledge of the educational program material, who did not expose significant inaccuracies in his answers, independently fulfilled all the tasks envisaged by the program, acquired basic literature recommended by the program, actively worked on practical studies, who showed a systematic knowledge in the discipline, sufficient for further study, as well as an ability to their self-replenishing.

80-84 points (B) – are given to a student, who has demonstrated a fairly complete knowledge of the educational program’s material, who did not expose significant inaccuracies in his responses, who independently fulfilled all tasks envisaged by the program, acquired basic literature, recommended by the program, actively worked on practical studies, who showed a systematic knowledge in the discipline, sufficient for further studies.

75-79 points (B) – are given to a student, who has demonstrated a fairly complete knowledge of the educational program material, who did not expose significant inaccuracies in answers, self-fulfilled main tasks envisaged by the program, acquired basic literature, recommended by the program, who was sufficient activity on practical studies, who showed a systematic knowledge in the discipline, sufficient for further study.

60-74 (C) are given to a student who demonstrated knowledge of the main educational materials at the level necessary for further studies and future work in his field, fulfilled main tasks envisaged by the program, acquired basic literature, however, has made some errors in their implementation and responses.

60-64 points (C) are given to a student who demonstrated knowledge of main educational program materials, independently performed main activities envisaged by the program, however, made some errors in their implementation and in answering the exam questions, but with the requisite knowledge to correct mistakes under the guidance of a teacher.
50-59 points (D) are given to student, who demonstrated knowledge of the main educational materials, but who was not active in classes, self-fulfilled main tasks envisaged by the program, however, made mistakes in answering exam questions.
0 to 49 points (F) are given to astudent, who detected gaps in knowledge or lack of knowledge on a significant part of basic educational program material, not executed independently the tasks envisaged by the program, made mistakes in examination questions, who cannot continue their education or undertake professional activities without additional classes in the relevant discipline.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 314. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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