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Activity 2. Preparing to Introduce Someone

A. Here are some expressions used when we want to introduce someone:

I’d like to introduce...

I’d like you to meet...

Can I introduce you to...

Quan, this is Rodolfo.

This is my friend, Jack. — Hi, Jack. I’m Linda.

§ my brother, Bob.

§ my sister, Cindy.

§ my father, Mr Harris.

§ my mother, Mrs Harris.

§ my teacher, Ms Watson.

§ my student, Carrie.

§ my friend, Mary Jones.

§ my boss, Mr Ritter.

§ my co-worker, Penny Pitcher.

(After an introduction)

Nice to meet you. — Nice to meet you too.

v These types of introductions involve three people:

A: The introducer (who knows both B and C)

B: Introducee (knows A but not C)

C: Introducee (knows A but not B)


A: Have you two met each other?

B: No, we haven’t.

A: Ben, this is Carol. Carol this is Ben.

(B and C smile and shake hands.)

B: Nice to meet you Carol.

C: Nice to meet you too, Ben.


After you have been introduced to someone, it is polite to ask a few general questions to get acquainted.

For example:

B: Where are you from, Carol?

C: I’m from Connecticut.

B: Connecticut, which part?

C: Hartford, the capital. How about you, Ben?

B: Nebraska – a place called Bellevue. It’s near Omaha.

C: How do you know Alan?

B: He is my friend from college.

v When meeting someone for the first time, it is not appropriate to ask certain types of questions. Do NOT ask:

§ A person’s age

§ Birth date

§ Salary

§ Weight

§ Marital status

v You may ask general questions about the situation.

How do you know Alan (the person who introduced us)?

Are you a student at this university?

Is this your first time here?

What do you do for a living?

How long have you been working for (company)?


B. Work in small groups. Practice introducing your friends to each other. Remember to smile (and use handshakes where appropriate).

C. The purpose of this activity is to get information about another person, and then introduce him/her to the class. You will be working in pairs. Here are some questions to use. Let’s go over them before you start:

  1. What’s your name?
  2. Where are you from?
  3. Do you work?
  4. If not, what do you do?
  5. Are you married?
  6. When did you arrive here?
  7. Do you have a hobby?
  8. What are three things you like and three things you don’t like?

If there is any other information you would like to add, you may do so. It’s a good idea to take some notes so that you will remember all the points. When the class gets together again, you will introduce your partner to the class and tell the class about him/her.

D. Tell your partner something about yourself.

For example, “I’m from Russia. I am a university student.”

E. Tell your partner about important events in your life.


I was born in Tyumen in1984.

We moved to Orenburg when I was twelve years old.

I graduated from technical college there.

Now I’m studying at South Ural State University.

F. Ask your groupmates about events in their lives.


— Were you born and raised in Chelyabinsk?

— Actually, I was born in Kurgan.

— When did you move to Chelyabinsk?

— When I was a teenager.

4. Read through the following paragraph and practice introducing yourself to a roomful of people.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 519. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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