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Vocabulary Practice. 6. Explain the meaning of the following words. 1 appearance outward qualities 2 personality the qualities that make up the whole nature

6. Explain the meaning of the following words.

1 appearance outward qualities
2 personality the qualities that make up the whole nature or character of a particular person
3 trait distinguishing quality or characteristic
4 attitude way of feeling, thinking or behaving
5 impression the image or feeling a person or thing gives to someone’s mind
6 to treat to act or behave towards
7 to put up with smb/smth to bear patiently

7. Match the words with their definitions.

1 generous a too sensitive, easily hurt
2 sociable b full of humour
3 touchy c giving, ready to give
4 witty d made angry by small things
5 irritable e friendly; liking company


8. Match the words of similar meaning.

1 industrious a sensible
2 intelligent b clever
3 reserved c sociable
4 resolute d self-contained
5 callous e determined
6 reasonable f hard-working
7 outgoing g unkind

9. Match the words to their opposites.

1 intelligent a patient /tolerant
2 diligent b hostile
3 tactful c shy
4 outgoing d lazy
5 double-faced e ignorant
6 friendly f honest
7 irritable g tactless

10. Match the words to make phrases.

1 to ask a one’s temper
2 to deserve b for advice
3 to make c in the lurch
4 to behave d respect
5 to feel e a judgment
6 to lose f uneasy
7 to leave g coolly

11. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Some words may be used more than once.

tactful, irritable, sure, trait, impression, qualities


  1. Henry was a typical Oxford man – well-mannered, easy-going, and very... of himself.
  2. There was a... in his personality that encouraged people to trust him.
  3. She gives the... of being rather stiff and unfriendly, but I think that’s because she’s basically shy.
  4. My parents tried to be... about my new boyfriend, but I knew they didn’t like him. `
  5. Besides intelligence and charm, Bella had some less desirable....
  6. I’m sorry I’m so... today – I didn’t get much sleep last night.

12. Work with a partner. Discuss the following questions.


  1. What kind of people are usually surrounded by friends?
  2. What kind of people are called good mixers/poor mixers?
  3. What kind of people are often lonely?
  4. What kind of people feel uneasy in company?
  5. What kind of people keep their thoughts to themselves?
  6. What kind of people think only of themselves?
  7. What kind of person will never lose his temper?
  8. What kind of person will never do a silly thing?
  9. What do you call a person who is mostly in high spirits?
  10. What do you call a person who says what he thinks?
  11. What kind of people are quick to see the point?
  12. What do you call people who are easily hurt?
  13. What kind of person would you ask for advice?
  14. What traits of character would you appreciate in a wife/husband, a son, a daughter, a mother, a bosom friend?
  15. What traits would you detest most?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 523. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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