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Plural in Compound Nouns

1. As a rule in compounds it is the second component that takes the plural form: housewives, tooth-brushes, boy-scouts, maid-servants.

2. Components in –ful have the plural ending at the end of the word: handfuls, spoonfuls, mouthfuls, though spoonsful and mouthsful are also possible.

3. Compounds in which the first component is man or woman have plurals in both first and last components: men-servants, women-doctors, gentlemen-farmers.

4. Compounds ending in – man change it into – men in spelling. In pronunciation, however, there is no difference between the singular and plural forms, both having /@/: policemen, postmen.

Note: Such nouns as German, Roman, Norman are not compounds, and therefore they have regular plurals: Germans, Romans, Normans.

5. In compounds originating from a prepositional noun phrase where the preposition is a linking element only the first noun takes the plural form: mothers-in-law, editors-in-chief, coats-of-mail.

6. In compounds with a conjunction and as a linking element the plural is taken by the second noun: gin and tonics.

7. In compound nouns formed by a noun plus a preposition or an adverb, or an adjective only the first element takes the plural: passers-by, lookers-on.

8. When the compound is a substantivized phrase which does not contain a noun, the last element takes the plural ending –s: forget-me-nots, breakdowns, grown-ups, drop-outs.

9. Initials can be made plural, the last element takes the plural ending –s: MPs (members of Parliament), VIPs (very important persons), OAPs (old age pensioners).


Uncountables are subdivided into two groups:

I Singularia tantum (nouns used only in the singular).Here belong the following:

A 1. mass/material nouns: air, water, wood, iron, etc.

2. abstract nouns: love, curiosity, excitement, progress, sculpture, fun, dancing, leisure, information, advice.

Note: Many abstract nouns may have both the singular and the plural forms.

e.g. idea – ideas, change – changes, suggestion – suggestions.

3. some collective nouns: linen, furniture, cutlery, machinery, rubbish, transport.

4. a few nouns which end in –s but are used only in the singular: news, summons, gallows.

5. names of sciences and occupations ending in -ics: mathematics, phonetics, politics, physics (ending –s has lost its meaning of plurality).

Note: Nouns of the latter group are occasionally treated as plurals.

e.g. Phonetics is the science of speech sounds.

Your phonetics are very good. (not the science, but its practical application).

Mathematics is an exact science.

His mathematics are weak.

6. games: cards, darts, dominoes, billiards, draughts, bowls, golf, rugby, etc.

7. illness: measles, mumps, flu, etc.

e.g. Measles is in most cases a harmless illness.

8. languages: Chinese, English, French, etc.

Nouns used only in the singular have no article where a countable noun would be associated with the indefinite article; they may be used with the pronouns what, any, some, much or (a)little, a partitive a lot of, a piece of, a set of, a slice of etc.

e.g. What delightful weather we are having!

Of course, this was good news.

Her English has improved. She has made a lot of progress.

a bit of news, a piece of advice, a sheet of paper etc.

9.Some proper nouns: Athens, Brussels, Naples, Wales, the United States, The United nations.

B A number of nouns in English are used only in the singular (U) when we are talking about the whole substance or idea, but countably (C) when we are talking about:

1. recognized containers for things.

e.g. I prefer tea to coffee.

Three teas (cups of tea), please.

2. a type, sort, brand or make of things.

e.g. There’s cheese in the fridge.

There are dozens of cheeses (kinds of cheese) to choose from.

There is much fruit this year. Apples, nuts, plums are local fruits.

This is a very rare and delicious wine. There are many different wines on the wine list.

3. a particular example of a physical or concrete thing.

e.g. She has blond hair.

There is a hair in my soup! (a separate hair).

4. a particular instance of a substance or an idea (may be used in particular sense and take the indefinite article).

e.g. The statue was made of stone.

I had a stone in my shoe.

She was always good at sport.

Football is mainly a winter sport in Britain.

We had many interesting experiences during our holiday.

You need experience for this job.

C 1.Some nouns that are usually used uncountably can be used countably, but only in the singular (including education, importance, knowledge, resistance, traffic, etc.)

e.g. She has an extensive knowledge of property prices in this area.

Note:With a few uncountable nouns referring to emotional and mental activity, we use a/an when there is an adjective or other description:

e.g. a love of music, an excellent knowledge of English, a hatred of violence.

His knowledge of history leaves much to be desired

A knowledge of language is always useful.

2. Some nouns that are usually used uncountably, can be used countably, but only in the plural:

e.g. Sue is claiming damages (money paid as compensation) for the injuries caused.

3. Sometimes material nouns and abstract nouns are used in the plural with emphatic force:

e.g. The frozen snows of the Arctic, the sands of the Sahara, the blue skies of Italy, a thousand pities, a thousand thanks.

D A number of countable nouns may with a change of meaning be used only in the singular: This is the case:

1. when the name of an animal is used to denote its flesh used as food:

e.g. A fat gray goose lay on the grass.

He likes roast goose stuffed with apples.

2. when the names of trees are used to indicate the corresponding kind of wood as material (or as live plants)

e.g. “Oak”, he exclaimed. ”All carved oak, right up the ceiling ”.

3. when the nouns tree, bush, twig etc, do not indicate separate objects but an indivisible whole (leafage …).

e.g. A few golden leaves are still hanging.

The apple tree was in leaf.

4. when the name of an object is used to denote substance, that is when it becomes the name of material:

e.g. She returned with an egg beaten up with milk.

Egg is on your coat.

II Pluralia tantum (nouns used only in the plural). Here belong:

A Marked pluralia tantum nouns (with the inflection -es)

1. Nouns indicating articles of dress consisting of two parts: shorts, slacks, braces, trunks.

2. Nouns of tools and instruments consisting of two similar parts (halves): scissors, spectacles, glasses, scales, fetters, tongs.

Note: These nouns can be made singular and countable by means of a pair of: a pair of trousers, two pairs of scissors.

e.g. I bought a pair of glasses and three pairs of jeans

3.Some collective nouns: belongings, clothes, contents, memories, savings, stairs, outskirts, means (money), arms.

4. Some nouns formed from adjectives: goods, sweets, valuables etc.

5. Some proper nouns: the Netherlands, the East/West Indies, the Highlands, the Midlands, the Hebrides.

B Unmarked plurals:

Substantivized adjectives denoting people: the rich, the helpless, the needy, etc.

Names of teams: Liverpool, Manchester United, Arsenal.

Some nouns (nouns of multitude): cattle, police, poultry, etc.

Note:The groups of singularia tantum and pluralia tantum do not always coincide in the two languages under study.

e.g. advice, news (singularia tantum nouns).

sledge – sledges, watch – watches (countables).

Note Some of the nouns used in the plural are always used with determiners (articles, pronouns). Cannot be used with a/an.

e.g. I went to the pictures with Tina.

You hurt his feelings.

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