IWS in the form of research paper ( to be submitted by 10 of November)
1. Sects in Christianity. Baptism 2. Sects in Christianity. Jehovah’s witnesses 3. Sects in Christianity. Adventism 4. Islam in Central Asia. (comparative analysis of any two countries) 5. Islamization and Kazakhstan 6. Presbyterian church 7. Lutheran church 10. Islam on women role 11. Islam in the USA. 12. Islam in Western Europe. 13. Islam and terrorism threat. 14. Atheism in contemporary world 15. Sects in Protestantism 16. Totalitarian sects. Aum Sinrike. 17. Totalitarian sects. White Brotherhood 18. Scientology 19. Shinto and Buddhism- difference and similarity 20. Modernization in religion (any religion) 21.Religion in Islamic states. Saudi Arabia 22. Religion in Iran 23. Religion in Turkey 24. History of Great schism in Christianity 25. Comparative analysis of religious views of Christianity and Judaism 26. Reformation and origin of Protestantism 27. Foundation and development of the Russian Orthodox church 28. Catholic church in the contemporary world 29. Religions in the USA (comparative analysis) 30. Religions in Kazakhstan (comparative analysis) 31. Lamaism in Tibet 32.Monasteries in various religions 33. Comparative analysis of the Holy Books in different religions 34. Religion and tolerance 35. Religions and arts (any religion) 36. Religions and music (any religion) 37. Religious places in Almaty