XII. Infinitive and gerund used with different meanings
a) stop
| infinitive
| Part of compound verbal aspect predicate; shows that the activity itself stops
| Adverbial modifier of purpose shows the reason for stopping the activity for some time
| Stuart stopped (doing what?) smoking though it wasn’t easy for him. = Стюарт перестал (бросил) курить, хотя это было ему нелегко. / Стюарт перестав (кинув) курити, хоча це було йому нелегко.
| Ben stopped (why?) to smoke and to have a short rest. = Бен остановился, чтобы закурить и немного передохнуть. / Бен зупинився, щоб закурити й передохнути.
b) go on
| infinitive
| Continuation of one and the same activity
| Change of activity
| Old Mrs. Todd went on talking about her health for hours. = Старая миссис Тодд продолжала говорить о своем здоровье часами. / Стара місіс Тодд продовжувала говорити про своє здоров'я годинами.
| Sue told me about her relationships with colleagues and went on to talk about her other problems. = Сью рассказала мне про свои взаимоотношения с коллегами и перешла к рассказу про свои другие проблемы. / Сью розповіла мені про свої взаємини з колегами й перейшла до розповіді про свої інші проблеми.
c) to remember, to forget, to regret
| infinitive
| About things that were done in the past
| About intentions
| · I remember playing with Ted in my childhood. (I did it in the past but I remember about it now; I didn’t forget it.) = Я помню, как я играл с Тедом в детстве. / Я пам'ятаю, як я грав з Тедом у дитинстві.
· I will never forget meeting him. = Я никогда не забуду, как встретил его. / Я ніколи не забуду, як зустрів його.
· Tina regretted marrying so young. (Tina married young and she is sorry about it.) = Тина сожалеет, что вышла замуж так рано. / Тіна шкодує, що вийшла заміж так рано.
· I regret mentioning this again. (I am not going to do it again.) = Я сожалею, что упомянул об этом снова. / Я шкодую, що згадав про це знову.
| · Remember to switch off the light
before you leave. (Be sure to do
it!) = Не забудь выключить
свет прежде, чем уйдешь. / Не
забудь виключити світло перш,
ніж підеш.
· I remembered to lock the door but I forgot to shut the windows. = Я помнил, что нужно запереть дверь, но я забыл закрыть окна. / Я пам'ятав, що потрібно замкнути двері, але я забув закрити вікна.
· Sorry, I forgot to buy bread. = Извини, я забыл купить хлеб. / Вибач, я забув купити хліб.
· I regret to mention this again. (I’m going to do it again.) = Я сожалею, что мне придется упомянуть об этом снова. / Я шкодую, що мені доведеться згадати про це знову.
to mean
| infinitive
| To involve smh
| To intend to do smth
| Being a pilot means travelling a lot. = Быть летчиком – означает много путешествовать./ Бути льотчиком – означає багато подорожувати.
| Barbara means to open her own shop. = Барбара намеревается открыть свой магазин. / Барбара має намір відкрити свій магазин.
d) to prefer
| infinitive
| General preference
| Future preference
| Stewart prefers spending his holidays at home.
| This year Stewart prefers to go to the sea.
e) to like
| infinitive
| To enjoy smth – general preference
| To think that smth is good or right to do
| Martha likes swimming. = She enjoys doing it.
| I like to exercise every day because I know that it is good for my health.
| f) to try
| infinitive
| As an experiment; the action possible – see if it succeeds
| To attempt to do one’s best; the action may not be possible – see if you still can do it
| · Try exercising, you may lose weight.
· Try remembering his telephone number. It would be a good idea!
| · David tried to win the race, but failed.
· Try to remember his telephone number. Please, do it; it’s important!
g) to be sorry
gerund + for
| infinitive
| To apologise for an earlier action
| To apologise for a present/future action
| I am sorry forshouting at you this morning.
| Sorry to interrupt, but can I ask you a question?
h) to be afraid, to dread, to fear
| infinitive
| Apprehension that smth bad may happen = phobia
| Unwillingness to do smth in a certain situation
| · Sue doesn’t want to ride. She is afraid offalling.
· Telma won’t go to the cruise. She dreads being seasick.
· She fears telling the truth about her background.
| · He is afraid to take this test in case he fails.
· She dreads to think what will happen if her husband finds everything out.
· She feared to tell him the truth.
i) to afford
| infinitive
| In general
| In a particular situation
| In fact Isabella could afford buying expensive things but she didn’t feel like it.
| This month Tim could afford to buy more books than usual and he was happy about that.
j) to consider
| infinitive
| To think about doing something
(подумывать о... / подумувати про)
| To express an opinion about something – only in complex object and complex subject
| He considers leaving his home town for ever. = Он подумывает о том, чтобы уехать из родного города навсегда. / Він подумує про те, щоб виїхати з рідного міста назавжди.
| We consider her to be the best pianist of our time.
The whale is considered to be the largest mammal in the world.
k) to need
| infinitive
| To think about doing something
(подумывать о... / подумувати про)
| To express an opinion about something – only in complex object and complex subject
| He considers leaving his home town for ever. = Он подумывает о том, чтобы уехать из родного города навсегда. / Він подумує про те, щоб виїхати з рідного міста назавжди.
| We consider her to be the best pianist of our time.
The whale is considered to be the largest mammal in the world.
l) to advise, to allow, to recommend
| infinitive
| In the active voice or not followed by an indirect object
| In the passive voice or followed by an indirect object
| · The agency advises booking in advance.
· They don’t allow smoking here.
· I really recommend using this book for your report.
| · The agent advised usto book in advance.
· We were advisedto book in advance.
· We were not allowedto smoke there.
· They don’t allow peopleto smoke here.
· I really recommend you to use this book.
· I really recommend this bookto be used.
| m) to be interested
in + gerund
| infinitive
| Refers to something that will happen
| Refers to something that has already happened
| I’m interested in working on this new project. When can I start?
| I was interested to work on that new project and I was sorry when it was over.
| n) to imagine
| infinitive
| General use
| Only as part of Complex Object with the verb ‘to be’– rare use
| · I imagined her dancing with another boy and got very sad.
· She could imagine dark-robed figures moving silently along the stone corridors.
| I had imagined her to be older than that.
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