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Serm., cap. 200; again,. lib. 4, cap. 10; of which we let the intelligent judge.

Nevertheless various things are found, which, we doubt not, are justly ascribed to him, as, for instance: Of the instruction of the catechumens before baptism, and how the novices ought to learn the faith before they are baptized. In Decretis de Consecrat. dirt. 4, cap. Ante Bapt., ex Rabalno, Bapt. Hist., page 560. Likewise, the quotation made by Vicecomes (lib. 2, cap. 40) from Rabanus (in lib. de instruct. Cleric.), which reads as follows, "The order according to which the catechumens are prepared for baptism, is this: First they are interrogated whether they renounce the devil," etc. Bapt. Hist., page 562. The rest we omit.

By this he indicates, that in his time, in the church of which he was a member, the custom of preparing the novices for baptism was still observed, inasmuch as first, the instruction of the faith, called the catechism, was presented and taught them; also, that they had to renounce Satan, &c.; which was observed not only at this time, but in nearly all the preceding times, as appears from this passage, "They are wont to renounce the devil with his works and pomp." Syn. Turon. Bapt. Hist., page 516, num. 7.

That in the time of Rabanus the instruction of novices extended not only to those of heathen descent, but also to such as were born of Christian parents, is declared by Jacob Mehrning, Bapt. Hist., page 560, contra Rulichium.

D. Vicecomes (lib. 3, cap. 9), quotes from Rabanus Maurus (page 562), "The fellow petitioners for baptism are those who, through the doctrine of the faith, and by refraining from disorderly conduct, make haste to receive the grace of Christ in baptism.";

This confirms our former assertion, namely, that before baptism a preparation had to be made, in order that it (baptism) might be received worthily; which preparation is here called"the doctrine of the faith and refraining from disorderly conduct." In it are comprised both parts of the doctrine which John presented to those who came to his baptism, saying, "Repent ye, and believe," etc. Matt. 3:2, compared with Mark 1:15, and Acts 19:4.

Moreover, they are called fellow petitioners, and it is said that"They make haste to receive the grace of Christ in baptism," which are things that cannot be done by infants.

Hence he writes, on Cant. 3:6, (page 540): "Who is this that cometh up white as snow?" applying the same to the candidates, who, cleansed from their former sins, come up from baptism, and increase in virtue."This mystery," he says,"is not otherwise than under the invocation of the Holy Trinity, that is, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; thus the Lord says to the apostles, Matt. 28:19: 'Go and teach,"' etc. Hence, when he speaks of coming up from the water, and of the invocation of the Holy Trinity, as well as of the passage, Matt. 28:19, he sufficiently shows that he does not speak of the baptism of infants, since they cannot come up from baptism, nor invoke the Holy Trinity, nor fulfill the passage, Matt. 28; which is too clear to be refuted. We will therefore briefly conclude this accouat of Rabanus with that which P. J. Twisck records concerning him.

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