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A. D. 860.-At this time, there departed from the belief and practice of infant baptism, Hincmar, at one time Bishop of Laudun, inasmuch as he

A.D. 858.-At this time, Gunther, Bishop of Cologne, wrote to Pope Nicholas, "Thou art playing the tyrant: under the guise of a shepherd we find thee to be a wolf. The title, indeed, is father, but virtually thou showest thyself a Jupiter."-Sm. Vetius, Geslachtregister, page 127. would no longer baptize children, so that they grew up without baptism, and many also, who did not attain the years of understanding, died unbaptized; on account of which he was then greatly accused by Hincmar, Bishop of Rheims, who to this end, wrote to him as follows, "And thou, who knowest that it is true what the Lord says: 'Except a man be born of water, and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven;' hast nevertheless commanded, that infants shall not be baptized in thy church, not even when in peril of death, so that they should not be saved, though it is written: 'The Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.' Thou hast also acted contrary to the decrees of Syricius, Leo, Gelasius, and the African council, as I have informed thee now twice by writing." H. Mont. Nietigh., page 81, ex Bi6ioth, Patr., Tom. 9, past 2, page 137. Cent. 117agd., Cent. 9, cap. 4, pages 40, 41.

In another letter, the Bishop of Rheims with entreating, and not less earnest words, endeavors to draw him away from his belief, writing, "Desist from preaching this (namely, that infants may not be baptized), the mere thought of which is awful; desist from scattering the flock of Christ (meaning thereby, through error, the Roman church), lest the destruction of all the people come upon thee; and do not, from excessive love for thy belief, sever thyself from," etc. H. Mont., page 82, from Cent. Magd., Cent. 9, pages 157, 158. Also, Bapt. Hist. page 545.

From these two letters it appears that Hincmar, Bishop of Laudun, had not only departed from the doctrine of infant baptism, but also earnestly preached against it, so that many of the Roman church, particularly at Laudun, became his adherents; for, what did the Bishop of Rheims mean by writing, "Desist from preaching this," but to say that Hincmar of Laudun should cease preaching against infant baptism? What else does he indicate when he says, "Desist from scattering the flock of Christ, lest the destruction of all the people come upon thee?" Certainly, these words indicate that many had already left the Roman church on this account, yea, that the state of things was such that all the people at Laudun adhered to this doctrine.

Moreover, from the last letter we see, how firmly, and almost immovably, said Hincmar must have stood, at Laudun, in his doctrine and belief against infant baptism, seeing such great endeavors were made to draw him away; now by presenting his belief in the most odious light, as though he preached things the mere thought of which was awful; now by flattery, "And do not, from excessive love for thy belief, sever thyself from," etc. But whether through this he was in any wise turned away from his belief, we have not been able to ascertain; hence we will let the matter rest.

In reference to what he may have tau-,ht with regard to other points, we can, on account of the default of history, give nothing certain; it is sufficient for us, that in those perilous times he dared

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