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This could not have been the case if so numerous a people had opposed their persecutors with force of arms. Introduction, page 51, col. 1.


The last-mentioned writer, proceeding to the violence and vexation suffered by the Albigenses from the papists-ecclesiastics as well as seculars, makes mention of Raymond, count of Toulouse, and of the count of Turenne, saying: That they went to Peter, the cardinal and legate of the pope, in order that they should kill or slay the heretics (the Albigenses), if the latter should not be converted to the Roman church through the cardinals' preaching. Having arrived at Toulouse, they made the citizens swear an oath that they would name all the Albigenses they knew. Many of them were now betrayed, and among these, also Peter Moranus, one of their principal men. When he was examined, he freely confessed his faith; and was instantly condemned as a heretic, and all his property confiscated. Introduction, p. 51, col. 1, 2, from Baron., A. D. 1178, num. 2.

NOTE.-From the afore-mentioned eight arguments, but especially from this last demonstration, it appears incontrovertibly, that a great distinction

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Must be made, between the Albigenses and their magistrates, as well as the citizens among whom they lived in the cities; so that whenever resistance, war or conflict are spoken of, in which the inhabitants of this or that city or place engaged, it is to be understood throughout of the magistrates and their soldiers, who guarded said cities or places, as also, of the common citizens; but not of the true Albigenses, since these, in accordance with their faith, as has already been sufficiently stated, exercised no revenge or resistance against any one, but lived peaceably under their magistrates; to whom they also, as was proper, paid their taxes.

However, that we may not give offense to our fellow believers, if any should entertain a different opinion in regard to this matter, although it has been sufficiently explained by us, we shall adduce the principal confessors who suffered in the besieged cities for the doctrine of the Albigensian religion, not as infallible witnesses, but as incidental matters; which the kind reader will please regard as having been done by us from no other motive than Christian prudence.


[The beginning is of the congregations or churches of the Waldenses; concerning whom it is shown that they existed not only in this century, but long before and after, teaching that the baptism of infants is of no avail.

The seventh article of the confession of the faith of the Waldenses, touching baptism, is presented; which treats of their confessing the ~ faith, and change of life.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 498. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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