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Wickliffe also taught that the substance and essence of the bread and wine remain in the sacrament of the altar after the consecration.

That Christ is not bodily in the sacrament. That the mass is not instituted by Christ, but is the devil's obedience and word. That confirmation, fasts, consecrations of priests, the baptizing of temples, and bells, are retained by the pope and the bishops only from the desire for gain.

That universities, studies, doctorates, colleges, grades, and masterships, are things which we have

* Hence, when Wickliffe rejects the swearing of oaths in civil or human contracts, he rejects all swearing of all oaths that have ever been in question; for not the promises which are made to God but the oaths that are sworn to men, have been from ancient times, and are still, the matter in question. inherited from the heathen, and are altogether of as much use to the church as the devil. An improper oath is, etc.

Merula and others state that Wickliffe wrote full two hundred books, and diligently instructed, and turned from popery, John Huss (see A. D. 1415 and 1416), when the latter was still young, together with many others. P. J. Tutisck, Chron., p. 720, cot. 1, 2, from Leonh., lib. 6. Hist. Andr. Junii, f of 45. Jan. Cresrin., fol. 354. Guil. Merula, fol. 886. Toneel. Niclaes, fol. 119. Zegh., fol. 119.

NOTE.-That John Huss (though the Calvinists would like to claim him, as well as John Wickliffe), was opposed to the swearing of oaths, and had other articles in common with the Waldensian Anabaptist brethren, and that he learned this from John Wickliffe, and Wickliffe from said Waldensian brethren, we hope to make clear in its proper place.

As to the article which Wickliffe was said to have taught, namely, that everything happens by an absolute or unavoidable necessity, on this D. A. Mellinus, a Calvinistic preacher, remarks, "We suspect that this has been unjustly put on Wickliffe, by the malicious enemies of the truth" (2;d book, fol. 495, cot. 4). Afterwards, explaining it still further, he says that"This is a wanton slander and devilish lie, fabricated from nothing, and cast into the face of innocent John Wickliffe." Fol. 496, cot. 1.

Thus it is evident, that John Wickliffe, even according to the testimony of the Calvinists, did not maintain the article of precise predestination, as some before him, though wrongly, have believed.

NOTE.-If John Wickliffe did not hold the article of predestination or unavoidable necessity, as one of the Calvinistic teachers here asserts and holds as truth, what, then, did he retain, in the matter of his belief, that accords only with the Calvinistic church? Certainly nothing.

A. D. 1372.-John Tylius, in his Chronicle of the Kings of France, writes, for the year 1372, concerning certain people whom he terms Turilupins, and, in papistic manner, very contemptuously calls a superstition, as follows, "The superstition of the Turilupins (a kind of Waldenses), who took their surname from the poverty common to them all, were this year condemned as heretics, together with their writings, books and clothes." J. Tyl., Chron., Reg. Gall. A. Mell., fol. 497, cot. 3. Of their faith we shall presently speak.

A. D. 1373.-Vignierus writes concerning these people called Turilupins, and their doctrine, that they were pronounced heretics at Paris, by the inquisitors, and their books publicly burnt, together with one of their women. Hut. Eccles., A. D. 1373. ex Guil. de Nangis. A. Mell., same place. More anon.

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