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NOTE.-A fuller account of the death of this woman will be given in its proper place, in the history of the martyrs.

Page 325


The author of the second book of the Persecutions, relating how these people, called Turilupins, were accused by some papistic writers, of not living honestly, replies in their stead, saying, "But these poor people are lamentably slandered; for they were upright Waldenses, to whom the papists imputed whatever they would." Fol. 497, cot. 3.


As regards their name, Joachine Caudarius states that they obtained the name of Turilupins, in Flanders, Artois, and Hainault, because they lived in wildernesses, among the wolves. In lugibri Narrat. de excidio Wald. Alb., A. M., same place.


It may be observed here, that if these Turilupins were true Waldenses, as has been declared, they rejected infant baptism, the swearing of oaths, revenge towards enemies, the mass, and all other Roman inventions, as appears from their own confession shown above.

NOTE.-Henry de Haffra, at Vienna, A. D.1376, wrote on Genesis, and greatly reproved the lies of the Romish legends, and about the merits of the saints. In a letter he also censured the clergy and their head, the pope, for many errors. loh. Munst., fol. 174, compared with the Chronicle of the. Destruction of the Tyrants, p. 724, cot. 1.

Also: A. D. 1380, Michael Cesenas, formerly a Minorite friar, or monk, wrote against the pope, calling him (from II Thess. 2) antichrist, and the Roman church, Babylon, and the congregation of those drunk with the blood of the saints. The pope deposed him from his dignity; but he adhered steadfastly to his opinion. Joh. Munst., fol. 171. Catal. Test., fol. 691, compared with P. J. Twisck, Chron., p. 731.

Also: In the same year Nicholas Clemongis opposed the superstitious feast days, excessive eating and drinking, (evil) speaking, and other improper things. See the last-mentioned chronicle, r. 732, from Joh. Munst., fol. 170.

Also: About A. D. 1382, M. Matthaeus Parisiensis, a Bohemian, appeared, and wrote a large book concerning antichrist, (the pope), saying that he had already come, and could be found in Rome. Thus did also Lupoldbs de Bedenborgh. Compare P. J. Tzvisck, Chron., Q. 734, cot. 1, with Catal. Test., fol. 794, 796. Merula, fol. 890.

Also: A. D. 1384, John Muntziger, Rector of the school at 01m, read in his oration, that the supposed body of Christ should not be made God, and, hence, should not be worshiped as God. See the last-mentioned author, fol. 736, cot. 1, compared with Hist. Joh. Munst., fol. 171.

A. D. 1390.-Or about that time, mention is made of the Waldenses in the countries lying on the Baltic Sea; concerning whom Matthias Flac cius Illyricus states that he has an entire inquisitorial book, full of the proceedings held against the godly Waldenses who lived in those countries.

Said Illyricus also had among his writings, another brief inquisition or investigation against the Waldenses; such as formerly was practiced against them in the bishopric of Mayence. He moreover says that he has still another, large book, full of proceedings held by the inquisitors against the Waldenses; in which 443 Waldenses are mentioned by name, who about A. D. 1391, in Pomerania, the Mark, and the adjacent places, were put on the rack and examined on the articles once confessed by the Waldenses. Many of these martyrs or confessors freely testified and confessed that they had been, one twenty, another thirty years, among this sect. Also, that their forefathers held the same doctrine. Matth. Flacc. Ill. Catal. Test. herit., lib. 18. Lib. 15,Title, De Waldensibus.

NOTE. From this it appears, writes a certain author, that the Saxon countries were full of Waldenses, that is, orthodox Christians, already two hundred years, and more, before the time of Huss. For it can easily be computed, that when the 443 Waldenses were examined at once, there must have been an incomparably greater number who were not examined in regard to their faith, but concealed themselves, or took to flight, in order to escape the danger. And, truly, those who are noticed in the book, as having been examined, frequently mentioned very many others of their belief, who were not present.

Among other points relating to their trials, recorded in this inquisitional book, were these, "That they were sober and frugal people, discreet in their speech, careful to avoid lying, swearing, etc.'; A. Mell., 2d book, fol. 505, cot. 3, 4. Also, P. J. Tzadsck, Chron., p. 743, cot. 2, from Henr. Boxhorn, fol. 27. In the margin of the same page, Twisck says, "The Wandenses (or Waldenses) will not swear.";

NOTE.-A. D. 1390, the Lord raised up Richard Withe, who wrote many glorious things against the pope, or the blasphemy of the so-called antichrist. Bal. Cent., lib. 7, cap. 10, compared with Chron. van den Ondergang, page 734, cot. 1, 2.

A. D. 1392.-On the 13th of January of this year, Walter Brute, a layman, but nevertheless a learned man, from the bishopric of Hereford, appearing personally before Lord John, Bishop of Hereford, maintained, among several other articles militating against the Roman church, this point, "That Christians are not permitted, for any reason, in any case, to swear, either by the Creator or by His creatures." A. Mell., 2d book, fol. 506, cot. 3.

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