Assistant professor Nurzhan S. Nusipaliev
1st level – Elementary ALMATY – 2014 UDK 811.111 The general editor: Amirlan A. Kussainov, doctor of technical science, professor, academician of International engineering academy (IEA) and National engineering academy (NEA), foreign member of Russian academy of architecture and civil engineering science (RAACES) and American association of civil engineers (AACE). Practical English Language. Elementary – Almaty: KazGASA, 2014. – 206 p. The compilers: Associated professor Ulzhalgas B. Adilbayeva Assistant professor Gulmira A. Karybayeva Assistant professor Zhaina U. Sultanbayeva Assistant professor Gulipa A. Gaiipova Assistant professor Galima A. Tolynbekova Assistant professor Adina S. Karybayeva Assistant professor Ardak Zh. Nurgalieva Assistant professor Magira K. Moldabayeva Assistant professor Zhanel R. Mangazina Assistant professor Nurzhan S. Nusipaliev This manual presents an additional course of teaching and assessing the English language proficiency on the V level –Advanced mainly in the sphere of General English, also touching some aspects of Business and Professional English. It is designed for students of non-linguistic majors at universities and may be successfully used at colleges, lyceum, high schools and language courses too. All materials of manual is systematized from the point of its practical, communicative importance for the students of non-linguistic majors, on the basis of accessibility and sequence of stating and gradual complicating the language knowledge and language skills. A great attention was paid to materials of study in the class (collection of handouts) and materials for students’ independent work after classes (collection of tests and lexical materials). This manual includes an updated version of Universal criteria of complex assessment of English language proficiency (2008) edited by professor A.A. Kussainov on the basis of lasting and reach experience of teaching foreign language at non-linguistic majors, taking into account the guides of national language policy, requirements of state educational standards and the achievements of the native and foreign scholars and methodologists in this field.
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