Студопедия — Family life
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Family life

  Philip is Lisa`s husband    
  Martin is a teacher    
  Sophia is Martin`s daughter    


2. Answer the questions according to the text – 2 min., (1% for right answer), 3%.

1. Who is Martin?

2. Where does he work?

3. How old is Sophie?



3. Retell the text (10 sentences) – 3 min., (0,5% for right answer), 2% (0,5% x 4 sentences)

  Result   Threshold Total % on auditing   Example
positive mах    
    opt 7,5 6,5 The 1st task: During 2 minutes he listened to the text and filled in comprehension tests, correctly answered all 3 test questions and got 3% from the maximum 3%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he answered to the questions according to the listened text and answered 3 questions from mentioned 3 and made some mistakes (word order), got 2,5% from the maximum 3%; The 3rd task: During 3 minutes he retold the listened text, made some mistakes in his\her speech during the retelling of the text and got 1.5% from the maximum 3%. Total: 7%
negative   6 and less The 1st task: During 2 minutes he listened to the text and filled in comprehension tests, correctly answered 2 questions from mentioned 3 test questions and got 2% from the maximum 3%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he answered to the questions according to the listened text, correctly answered 2 question from mentioned 3 and got 2% from the maximum 3%; The 3rd task: During 3 minutes he retold the listened text, made some mistakes in his\her speech during the retelling of the text and got and got 1% from the maximum 2% Total: 5%

Note: max threshold the student transferred to the next level;
When the thresholdmin /opt- the studentstays at the same level
If % proficiencyreachesa positive minimum, the student r stays on theretake


For speaking you should get 6%. Time limit 6 min.

1. Using the following words and word combinations and describe one of the given theme - 2 min., 2% (0,5%x 4 sentences)

Classroom: computer, blackboards, bookshelf, many books, light and clean, teacher’s table, many chairs and tables.

Parents: dark brown hair, tall, a moustache, medium length hair, strong, middle aged person, kind, intelligent, sociable.

Friend: friendly, clever, funny, brown eyes, a young person, slim, not very tall, hard-working, sporty.


2. Answer the following questions - 2 min., 2%, 0,5% for right answer (4 questions).


1 Do you have a small or big family?

2 How many people are there in your family?

3 What time do you start your study?

4 Have you got a friend?


3. Speak on the given topics - 2min., 2% (right answer 0,5%).

1. My family.

2. My friend.

3. My hobby



Total % on speaking Example
  The 1st task: During 2 minutes he described the given theme using the given words, word combinations and got 1,5% from the maximum 2%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he answered to 3 questions from 4 on the given theme and got 1,5% from the maximum 2%; The 3rd task: During 2 minutes he spoke on the given topic and got 2% from the maximum 2%. Total: 5%
5,5 5
negative   4,5 and less The 1st task: During 2 minutes he described the given theme using words, word combinations, made some mistakes in his\her speech and got 0,8% from the maximum 2%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he answered to 2 questions from 4 on the given theme and got 1% from the maximum 2%; The 3rd task: During 2 minutes he spoke on the given topic and got 1,5% from the maximum 2%; Total: 3.3%  



For reading you should get 4%. Time limit 6min.

1. Read and retell the text – 2 min., 2 % (0,5%x 4 sentences).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 868. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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