Студопедия — Famous people
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Famous people

When I read the history of different countries I remember three great names: George Washington, Margaret Thatcher and Nursultan Nazarbayev.

George Washington became a president of the USA in 1789. He was the general who commanded the North American Army in the War of Independence against Britain. He became the first president of the United States and gave his name to the new capital city. He started the building of the White House but never lived in it.

Margaret Thatcher became a politician in 1959, leader of the Conservative Party in 1975 and Prime Minister of Britain four years after that. She had a strong personality. The love of her life was politics. She was Prime Minister for eleven years. A lot of people were afraid of her. She was called ‘The Iron Lady’.
NursultanNazarbayev was born 6 July 1940. The future president grew up in a village near Kazakhstan's border with Kyrgyzstan in the south-east. He has served as the President of Kazakhstan since the nation's independence in 1991 from the Soviet Union. In April 2011, President Nazarbayev was reelected to another five-year term receiving 95.54 percent of the vote.


2. Make up your own questions according to the text – 3 min., 0,9% (0,3%x3 questions).

3. Read the poem by Abai Kunanbaev - 1 min., 1,1 %

Day after day falls behind,

No peace in the world can I find.

Thought follows thought in my mind,

Swifter than any wind.

Translated by Dorian Rottenberg

  result   threshold Total % on Reading Example
positive max   The 1st task: During 2 minutes he read and retold the text correctly and got 1.5% from the maximum 2%. The 2nd task: During 3 minutes he made 3 questions on the text and got 0,9% from the maximum 0,9%. The 3rd task: During 1 minutes he read the poem expressively and got 1,1% from the maximum 1,1%. Total:4%
opt 3,5
negative     and less The 1st task: During 2 minutes he read the text and retell 2 sentences, made some mistakes and got 1% from the maximum 4%; The 2nd task: During 3 minutes he made 3 questions on the text and got 0,9% from the maximum 0,9%; The 3rd task: During 1 minutes he read the poem expressively and got 1% from the maximum 1%; Total: 2.9%



For writing you should get 2%. Time limit 6 min.

1. Order the words to make sentences – 2 min., 0,2 % (0,1%x2 sentences).

1. job/stressful/Is/Tom’s/very?

2. from/girlfriend/France/brother’s/is/My


2. Write an e-mail to your friend about you and your study – 2min., 0,6 % (0,2x3 sentences).


  Hi 1._____________________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________________ Please write soon Best wishes


3. Write a dictation – 2 min., 1, 2 % (0,4%x3 sentences).

In the countryside

I live in a beautiful area in the countryside. It`s wonderful. I`ve got a garden with lots of flowers and I grow all my fruit and vegetables, so I only eat fresh food, which is very healthy.

  Result   Threshold Total % on writing Example
positive max   The 1st task: During 2 minutes he made correctly 2 sentences on the given words and got 0,2% from the maximum 0,2%; The 2nd task: During 2 minutes he wrote an e-mail letter and got 0,6% from the maximum 0,6%; The 3rd task: During 2 minutes he wrote simple dictation (2 sentences) and got 0,8% from the maximum 1,2%. Total: 1.6%
opt 1,8
min 1,5
negative   below 1,5 The 1st task: During 2 minutes he made correct sentences on the given words and got 0,2% from the maximum 0,2%; The 2ndtask: During 2 minutes he couldn‘t write an e-mail letter correctly (wrote one sentence) and got 0,2% from the maximum 0,6%; The 3rd task: During 2 minutes he wrote simple dictation (wrote one sentence) and got 0,5% from the maximum 1%; Total: 0.8%


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 848. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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