Vocabulary List. – comprehensible – понятный, постижимый
– comprehensible – понятный, постижимый – to invest – вкладывать капитал, инвестировать – convinced – убежденный – latitude – свобода, терпимость – aware – сознающий, знающий, осведомленный – an outset – начало – spatial – пространственный – to bestow – присуждать, награждать – dignity – звание, сан, титул – to be delighted – наслаждаться Answer the following questions. 1. What are the main political goals in the field of education in the Netherlands today? 2. Who is responsible for schools and teaching in the Netherlands? 3. Is it necessary for all countries to invest more in education? Why? 4. What do you know about Maria Montessori’s school theory? 5. How does the author describe the differences between building in Germany and the Netherlands? Find the English equivalents in the text. С другой стороны; много времени; оказывать влияние; дневной свет; раздвижная дверь; работать в сотрудничестве; восхищаться; придирчивый; сфера образования; передавать; пространственный. Give synonyms. A goal, to offer, to learn, a pupil, latitude, to involve, to achieve, building, a project. True or false? 1. Small schools are more comprehensible while larger schools can offer more facilities. 2. Corridors at schools are circulation routs. 3. The author of the text always attempts to develop a school design in collaboration with teachers and pupils. 4. German schools usually draw on a much bigger budget. 5. The central authority responsible for schools and teaching in the Netherlands is the Ministry of Education.