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Their children will have blue eyes


1 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences.

If you are travelling at 80kph in a car,

If the score in your game is 40-15,

If today is your golden wedding anniversary,

If your great-grandparents all had blue eyes,

If you travel from England to Scotland,

If last year was a leap year (with 366 days),

If you can speak French,

If you can see pink elephants,

next year won't be a leap year.

you have been married for 50 years.

you can understand at least a bit of Italian. perhaps you need to see a doctor.

you have blue eyes.

you can stop safely in 52m.

you do not go through customs and immigration.

you are probably playing tennis.


2 Where will you be this time tomorrow? This time next week?

A month from now? This time next year? Write sentences.

This time tomorrow I will be...

This time next...

A month...



3 Write sentences with will certainly, will probably, may, will probably not or will certainly not.



Will you be in the same house this time next year?


..:\;ioo..r.\ --8 r.:.............................................................


1. Will you live to be 100 years old?

2. Will next year be better for you than this year?

3. Will it rain this evening?

4. Will you do all the exercises in this book?

5. Will you sleep well tonight?

6. Will you get a lot of presents on your birthday?

7. Will you climb a mountain during the next twelve months?

8. Will doctors discover a cure for cancer before the year 2000?

9. Will there be a world war in the next ten years? (Start There will/may...)

10. Will you be able to speak perfect English one day?

11. Will you be able to dance when you are 90?

12. Will you have to get up early tomorrow?

13. Will you have to work next weekend?

4 Do you know the names of all these containers? Write them down, using a dictionary if necessary. Learn the ones you didn't know.











5 Here are some sentences about things that may happen in the future. Read the sentences with a dictionary, and decide which developments

will do most good to the world. Write down the letters of the sentences

in order of importance.


A. If people take a special drug, they will be able to eat as much as they like without getting fat.

B. There will be a vaccine which will stop teeth going bad - people will never have toothache.

C. There will be drugs which will stop us feeling pain, but will not make us unconscious.

D. People will be able to live 20-40 years longer

than now.

E. Women will be able to have children at the age of 60.

F. We may be able to partly control the weather.

G. Trains will be able to travel at 2,000 kph in

special vacuum tunnels.

H. Translating machines will be so good that nobody

will have to learn foreign languages.


Order of importance: 1................... 2.

4................... 5. ·················· 6...................


6 Read these with a dictionary.

·················· 3.



8. ··················


'Insanity is hereditary-, you cantit

from your children.' ···

'When I was a kid, I had no watch. I used to tell the time by my violin. I used to practise in the middle of the night and the neighbours would yell "Fine time to practise the violin, three o'clock in the morning!"'


(Henny Youngman)


(Sam Levenson)



'AnybcKly _who lla'- chJ;blrea Utd 4ogB

CID't be aD hacl.'

(W. C. Fields)



'I think my husband has been unfaithft.ilto me. My last child didn't look like him at all/



'Father heard his children scream, So he threw them in the stream, Saying as he drowned the third,

"Children should be seen, not heard!"·

(Ann Smith)


'We're paid toon with the children. They aren't paid to get on with us.'


(Teacher at the Dragon School, Oxford)

(Harry Graham)




"You'll wait for me and try to be faithful?

Dammit- I'm only in for 30 days.";


A womaa wrote to the famo1IIJ dl'amatillt Geozge Bemard Shaw, sayiag 'You haft the greatest braia in the wodd Utd I haft the most beaa1:ifiii bod.y; so we ought tothe

most perfec:t cldld.'.Shaw repliecl 'Yes, but if

it was 11om with my hea\'lt'Y Utd yo1l1"!mUDs?'



"You'll/ike Mum and Dad- they're out!";



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 678. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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