Revision C
.1 Match the countries and.
2 p ut m.
can, cannot m tf necessary. Learn an of h captt ls. Use an atlas you don't know. Exa ple:t e Engltsh names that
Argentina - Buenos Aires
COUNTRIES Argentina Czechoslo k. Egypt Germany 2'a ta Denmark India Indonesia I reece Japan The Netherla dn Ir lan_d will not or must. ' ay, may not, will,
i: ost animals...........:.....·fly. 1. Most birds.................. fl
I,me.n..o...t....s..u...r.e.. be a btt late tht's evem·ng _
4. r b byo to.Scotland for a holiday, you sunbathlng.............. spend all your time. People's Republic of Ch' s Ntgena 5· Secretary wanted _.
good English. Switzerland 'I· ma Poland Portugal 6. If you speak your spea
The USSR y atwlan. Thailand Turkey ugos avta Zaire
CAPITALS most people nguage m England 7. If you speak 'E g·T..h... _unCerstand you., ts m anada m 1 .................. understand, ost peop e ABemlgsrtaedrdeam B Athens Bangkok Beijing 8. We don't know if w ou.. yiedar.;"e.................. hav; gn hohday this Cairo C er e Buenos Aires . open agen Delhi DJ'akarta 9. on t know if I....... h 1 money. · A professional · ·........... e P you.
DKu' blhm Berlin Ankara ms asa Lagos Lisbon Prague Taipei 1ie hran
Moscow Tokyo Warsaw 10 or several h f ptamst.................. ours every day.
3 Complete the table of irregular verbs.
INFINITIVE PAST TENSE PAST PARTICIPLE bring.................................... bought chosen 4 If you have Student's Cassette A, find Revision Les on C, GrammaExercise 1. Listen to the song agam and try to wnte the first two verses. Check in your Student's Book to see how much you have understood correctly. come
hold mean smg
flew left ran swam
forgotten lost sold
5 Write the text for a short news broadcast. All the ?ews must be good. Some things that you could put m:.a demonstr tion; a visit by an important person; a btrth; a marnage; a sports report; a weather report.
ACROSS 1. The opposite of long. 3. Fifty-two weeks =.................. year. 6. Yours.................. 9. My parents were both born in March, and.................. was I. 10. You and I. 11. Yours............ 12. You can drink out of it. 14. She lives.................. 37 Cumberland Street. 15. You can do this with a knife. 16. I don't know where my coat.................. 18. If you want a good job you may need these. 21. If you want to drive, you must have a driving................... 23. Not young; not new. 27. This is useful for seeing. 28. You can get this at school. 32. Past participle of do. 33. Excuse me, have you.................. a pen that I can borrow?
DOWN 1. The people who work in a place. 2. 'Where's Rosie?' '.................. bed.' 3. Fred doesn't smoke.................. drink. 4. Not old. 5. We have these every five years, to choose Members of Parliament. 6. The opposite of hard. 7. Not hot; not warm. 8. 'Fill up with unleaded, please.' 'Right. And shall I check the..................?' 9. '.................. I iron your dress for you?' 'If you really don't mind.' 13. I'll come back as soon as................... 15. Animal that drinks milk, catches mice and doesn't like dogs. 16................... you go on holiday to Texas, you won't do much skiing. 17. Half past.................. is halfway between a quarter past five and a quarter to eight. 19. Your mother's son's mother's husband's daughter's father's brother is your................... 20. The sky may be this colour. 22. To get a really good job, you probably.................. both qualifications and experience. 24. Sorry I'm................... Have you been waiting iong? 25. Very hard cold water. 26. Animal that doesn't like 15 down. 29. What time.................. the first buses run in the morning? 30. The opposite of happy is ......happy. 31. Not any.