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Reading tasks. AComprehension check.

Legal English - 1

Английский для юристов

Учебное пособие для студентов

юридических специальностей



Москва – 2008


Министерство финансов Российской Федерации

Всероссийская государственная налоговая академия



A Comprehension check.

1 Markthese statements T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the text.


a Japanese prefer written agreements to informal ones.

b There are more lawyers in the United States than in Japan.

c Contracts and courts of law are a part of ordinary people`s daily life in all

industrialized countries.

d There are increasing attempts to internationalize legal standards.

2 Give examples of the growing uses of law throughout the world.


B Answer these questions.


1 What do people think of law?

2 In what circumstances do people think of their everyday activities as legal matters?

3 Are laws for lawyers or for ordinary people?

4 What will you do if your neighbour plays loud music at night? Will you go to the court?

5 How do people solve problems in the United States and in Japan?

6 Why do multinational companies employ expensive experts in law?

7 In your opinion, is law merely a function of political power?

8 Can ordinary citizens challenge the decisions of their governments? How?

9 Why do people increase attempts to internationalize legal standards?

10 When is law regarded as a bad thing?

11 Are there any laws in Russia that you would like to change or introduce?


Language focus

Put the verb in brackets into the correct form, present simple, past simple or present perfect.

It is obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we 1) _______ (live), some kind of law is necessary. When the world was at a very primitive stage, there 2) _____ (be) no such law. But, for a very long time now, members of every community 3) _______ (make) laws for themselves in self-protection.

Every day of our lives we are restrained and guided by law. It 4) _______ (protect) us while it 5) _________ (restrict) us. Sometimes it 6) _______ (punish) us. It 7) _______(determine) the registration of our births and the distribution of our possessions at death. It tells us how fast we 8) _______ (can) drive and how long we 9) ______ (must) attend school.

Every country 10) _______ (try), therefore, to provide laws which will help its people to live safely and as comfortably as possible. This is not at all an easy thing to do, and no country 11) _______ (be) successful in producing laws which are entirely satisfactory. But we are far better off with the imperfect laws which we 12) _______ (have), than if we had none at all.

Vocabulary tasks

A Match the English words and expressions with their Russian equivalents.


1 law a суд

2 settle a dispute b обратиться в полицию

3 negotiations broke down c юрист

4 consult the police d несчастный случай

5 lawyer e юридически подразумеваемое положение

6 court f переговоры сорвались

7 accident g закон

8 legal implication h урегулироватьспор


B Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions.


1 консультация юриста

2 международные компании

3 оспаривать решения

4 суды, действующие по нормам статутного или общего права

5 собственность

6 законные средства

7 беженцы


C Completethe text with the words and phrases from the box.

agreements conduct enforcement lawless promoting legislature power personal safety property punishing


A law is a norm for 1) ______. Law embodies the 2) _______ that a political society has made about how life in that community is to be lived. Law is a method for 3) _____ whatever values a community wishes to achieve – protection of 4) _______, assurance of 5) _______, clean streets, equal treatment of all races, 6) _______ of contracts. In a 7) _______ community, persons must protect their own lives and property. But law takes over the task of protection by forbidding acts that are socially disapproved, and 8) _______ those acts when they are committed. The first and fundamental positive law of all communities is the establishing of the 9) _______.

D Complete the following text by translating the words and expressions in brackets.

Use the correct form of the appropriate words and phrases from the box.

flourish sanction live securely libel enforce threaten murder forbid European Union income tax protect make wills international bodies impose restrictions enforce laws disobey the rules pay compensation broken settle disputes govern

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