Underline the correct form of the verb in italics in the sentences below.
1. I don’t mind my sister borrowing / to borrow my CDs. 2. My parents couldn’t afford going / to go on holiday when I was a child. 3. I help my mum doing / to do the housework every Saturday. 4. I’ve always dreamed of being / to be famous one day. 5. When I was eighteen my parents always let me doing / do what I wanted.
We spend great part of our lives at our jobs, so choosing a right career is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Many students finish high school and begin college without a clear idea of what they want to do in future. Part of the problem is the size of the job market itself. With so many kinds of jobs how can you tell which will interest you? Some of occupations are already overcrowded. In old industries there may be little need for new workers, while new and growing industries will offer jobs now and in the future. Find out where your interests and talents lie. Postponing a decision is an error people make. "I'll get started tomorrow or next week, or next year," - many people think. These people refuse to face the problem, hoping it will go away. But if you don't take the first step now, how can you plan for the future, how can you take the right way? Such people miss many opportunities. First start with yourself, make a list of your interests, talents and abilities. Most people have a lot of these, but at the beginning they are undeveloped and may not seem outstanding. The interest inventory that follows covers the major fields in which most people find careers: science, art, social service, business, sales and so on. Sometimes we say that someone we know is 'a square peg in a round hole'. This means that person we are talking about is not suited for the job he is doing. Unfortunately, many people in the world are 'square pegs'. But to be a 'square peg' is not a real problem, a real problem for millions of people is to be unemployed. Unemployment especially hits poor and working class families the hardest, not because this people are more likely to be unemployed, but because they don't have financial resource to fall back on. Unemployment exists primarily for two reasons: first - the existence of millions of unemployed people tends to present most of those working from asking for higher wages since they can be replaced easily, second - in their search for profits, corporations are interested in finding the cheapest labor. The problem of unemployment is also connected with the economic crisis.
1. According to Sally and Adam’s opinion, it was going to be … to teach Jessica to be a reporter in a month. a) impossible b) successful c) pleasure 2. She spent the first week learning… a) how to change image b) watching political interviews on TV and reading political sections of newspapers. c) how to be aggressive 3. She spent the second week learning … a) how to interview people in front of a camera b) how to visit the Prime Minister c) how not to lose the confidence 4. What a stupid mistake did she make, while interviewing the politician of the Conservative Party? a) She lost her confidence b) She didn’t say “sorry” c) She said “Labour Party” instead of the “Conservative Party” 5. What did she ask about of the Education Minister? a) about increasing teachers’ salaries b) about immediate plans c) about spending money on education